My project aims to deploy a highly available and scalable three-tier web application on Microsoft Azure, leveraging the cloud's powerful services and features. The architecture comprises a frontend, backend, and database tier, each hosted on separate subnets for improved security and isolation.
This project showcases the power of Azure's infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) offerings to deploy a robust and reliable three-tier web application architecture. By utilizing Azure's load balancers, VMSS, managed databases, and security features, we ensure our application is highly available, scalable, and secure, providing an excellent user experience while minimizing operational overhead.
- React
- Nodejs
Note: You should have Nodejs installed on your system. Node.js
👉 Let's install dependency to run react application
cd client
npm install
Note: you have to change one file for the backend API. you will find that src/pages/config.js
vim src/pages/config.js
// const API_BASE_URL = ""; // on live backend server which is running on port 80
const API_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:portNumber";
export default API_BASE_URL;
make sure you EDIT the above file depending on your scenario
npm run build
above command create optimize build of the application in the client folder. build/
you will find all the files that you can serve through Apache or Nginx
that's the whole setup of the frontend
Note: You should have nodejs installed on your system. Node.js
👉 let install dependency to run Nodejs API
cd backend
npm install
Now we need to create a .env file that holds all the configuration details of the backend. you should be in the backend directory
vim .env
add below content
DB_HOST=localhost or URL_of_Azure_Database
Note: please change the above file depending on your setup. You may use Azure Databases for MySql or a Local MySql server on your system. your MySQL contains a database with the name of test
and should have a books
table. You can use test.sql to create a table
mysql -h <<RDS_ENDPOINT OR localhost>> -u <<USER_NAME>> -p<<PASSWORD>>
mysql -h <<RDS_ENDPOINT OR localhost>> -u <<USER_NAME>> -p<<PASSWORD>> test < test.sql
Install pm2 if you want to run on the cloud. you may need sudo privileges to install it because we are going to install it globally.
npm install -g pm2
Now you can run this application. Make sure you are in the backend directory
pm2 start index.js --name "backendAPI"
The above command will start the node server on port 80, you can modify the port number in the index.js
Thank you so much for reading..😅