Microwatt is a VHDL2008-based POWER ISA 3.0 core, originally written by Anton Blanchard, supporting Linux, MicroPython, and Zephyr RTOS.
It is also supported in FuseSoC for quick simulation and FPGA bringup!
Create a new directory
mkdir /home/$USER/uwatt
cd /home/$USER/uwatt
Download PowerPC cross-toolchain
You can select powerpc64le-power8 and glibc on toolchains.bootlin.com or get the stable version as of date directly with
wget https://toolchains.bootlin.com/downloads/releases/toolchains/powerpc64le-power8/tarballs/powerpc64le-power8--glibc--stable-2020.02-2.tar.bz2
tar -xvf powerpc64le-power8--glibc--stable-2020.02-2.tar.bz2
export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/uwatt/powerpc64le-power8--glibc--stable-2020.02-2/bin
export CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc64le-linux-
Build Micropython
cd micropython/ports/powerpc
sudo apt install make
make -j$(nproc)
cd ../../../
Build GHDL from source
sudo apt install llvm clang gnat zlib1g-dev
Install gnat4.9 packages (required by GHDL):
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnat-4.9/gnat-4.9-base_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnat-4.9/libgnat-4.9_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./gnat-4.9-base_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./libgnat-4.9_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
v0.37 does not support llvm10, in which case you will need to specify the older version of llvm above. The master branch doesn't have this issue.
cd ghdl
mkdir -p /home/$USER/uwatt/ghdl_build
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --with-llvm-config --prefix=/home/$USER/uwatt/ghdl_build
make install
cd ../../
After building, add ghdl to the path with
export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/uwatt/ghdl_build/bin
Build Microwatt!
cd microwatt
Link Micropython image
ln -s micropython/firmware.bin main_ram.bin
Run Microwatt
It sends all output logs to /dev/null
./core_tb > /dev/null
Running bare-metal C code on Microwatt
cd ~/uwatt/microwatt/hello_world
mv -f Makefile1 Makefile
cd ..
./core_tb > /dev/null
Run joel_test.c which prints sum of square's of 1 to 10 using c.
cd hello_world
make clean
make FILE=joel_test
cd ..
./core_tb > /dev/null
To test other functionalities of softcore run other c programs in hello_world folder
cd hello_world
make clean
make FILE=sneha
cd ..
./core_tb > /dev/null
Create a new directory
mkdir /home/$USER/uwatt
cd /home/$USER/uwatt
Download PowerPC cross-toolchain
wget https://toolchains.bootlin.com/downloads/releases/toolchains/powerpc64le-power8/tarballs/powerpc64le-power8--glibc--stable-2022.08-1.tar.bz2
tar -xvf powerpc64le-power8--glibc--stable-2022.08-1.tar.bz2
export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/uwatt/powerpc64le-power8--glibc--stable-2022.08-1/bin
export CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc64le-linux-
Build Micropython
git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython.git
cd micropython/ports/powerpc
sudo apt install make
make -j$(nproc)
cd ../../../
Build GHDL from source
sudo apt install llvm clang gnat zlib1g-dev
Install gnat4.9 packages (needed by GHDL):
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnat-4.9/gnat-4.9-base_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnat-4.9/libgnat-4.9_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./gnat-4.9-base_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./libgnat-4.9_4.9.3-3ubuntu5_amd64.deb
Clone GHDL from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl.git
cd ghdl
mkdir -p /home/$USER/uwatt/ghdl_build
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --with-llvm-config --prefix=/home/$USER/uwatt/ghdl_build
make install
cd ../../
After building, add ghdl to the path with
export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/uwatt/ghdl_build/bin
Build Microwatt!
git clone https://github.com/Joel-Dandin/microwatt.git
cd microwatt
Link Micropython image
ln -s micropython/firmware.bin main_ram.bin
Run Microwatt!
./core_tb > /dev/null
Create Hex file to run on FPGA
cd uwatt/microwatt
ln -s micropython/firmware.bin main_ram.bin
cd hello_world
make clean
make FILE=joel_test
To flash the hex file to the FPGA use fusesoc
fusesoc run --target=nexys_a7 microwatt --ram_init_file=/home/aip/dwatt/microwatt/micropython/firmware.hex