###User Story 1:
As a helpful individual,
so that I can make myself available to help,
I would like to sign up and make a profile.
###User Story 2:
As a user,
So that other users can see what I can offer them,
I would like to list the skills on my profile.
As a user,
So that I can find people near me to help with a current issue,
I would like to be able to search by skill.
As a user,
So that I can safely leave the web app,
I would like to be able to sign out.
As a user,
So that I can get in touch with other users to use their skills,
I would like to view other users profiles and view their contact details.
As a user,
So that future users can see the quality of services provided,
I would like to be able to leave reviews for other users.