Welcome to my AntiCheat project called Flex. In this project, I optimize AntiCheats with better and advanced configs.
This, of course, helps to reduce false positives and bypasses. And what's beautiful is that it's completely free.
Currently there is an AAC, AACAdditionPro and AntiAura version.
Flex AntiCheat has started on 15-03-2017 on BlackSpigotMC and has been in development since then.
It was so popular that I decided to place it on multiple sites including DirectLeaks and now GitHub.
Currently we already have version 3 and already have almost 10000 total downloads on all versions that have ever been released.
To make the configs work well, you need to do some things.
AAC Edition:
Buy AAC HERE to support the delevoper.
(Not required) Download ConditionalCommands HERE to run the VLs commands.
Go to the config and tweak the settings you want to change or need for your server like ping and TPS detection. For help with configuring click HERE.
AACAdditionPro Edition:
Buy AACAdditionPro HERE to support the delevoper.
(Not required) Download ConditionalCommands HERE to run the VLs commands.
Go to the config and tweak the settings you want to change or need for your server like ping and TPS detection. For help with configuring click HERE.
AntiAura Edition:
Buy AntiAura HERE to support the delevoper.
Go to the config and tweak the settings you want to change or need for your server like ping and TPS detection. For help with configuring click HERE.
If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it HERE.
I do not respond to conversations or on Discord/Skype/SpigotMC for that.