This project implements an enhanced version of Schelling's segregation model using reinforcement learning (RL) agents. The simulation combines classical agent-based modeling with modern deep learning techniques to study emergent social patterns. This implementation has each individual agent instatiate and learn on a separate nueral network.
Thomas Schelling's model (1971) demonstrates how individual preferences can lead to systematic segregation, even when individuals are relatively tolerant. In the traditional model, agents prefer to live in neighborhoods where some fraction of their neighbors are of the same type. The model shows how these micro-level preferences can create macro-level patterns of segregation.
This implementation enhances the classical model by:
- Replacing simple rule-based decisions with learned behaviors through Deep Q-Learning
- Allowing agents to learn optimal strategies for maximizing their happiness
- Introducing a continuous reward system based on neighborhood composition
- Implementing a torus topology for the grid to eliminate edge effects
: Implements the grid environment with torus
: Defines the RL agent with Deep Q-Network
: Contains the reinforcement learning training
: Manages the simulation lifecycle and metrics
: Centralizes configuration parameters
: Flask server for the web interfacetemplates/
: HTML templates for visualizationstatic/
: CSS styles and JavaScript visualization code
- Interactive web visualization of the simulation
- Real-time metrics tracking
- Configurable parameters through web interface
- Agent-specific metrics visualization
- Grid visualization with agent types
Each agent uses a neural network with the following structure:
- Input: Current position, agent type, and grid state
- Hidden layers: Configurable through
- Output: Q-values for possible actions
- Agents learn through experience using Q-learning
- Epsilon-greedy exploration strategy
- Experience replay for stable learning
- Continuous reward based on neighborhood happiness
- Average happiness per agent type
- Training loss
- Exploration rate (epsilon) decay
- Individual agent metrics
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the web server:
Open a web browser and navigate to
Key parameters can be adjusted through the web interface or by modifying
- Grid size
- Number of agents per type
- Learning parameters (learning rate, epsilon decay, etc.)
- Neural network architecture
- Reward function parameters
- Python 3.10+
- PyTorch
- Flask
- Flask-SocketIO
- NumPy
The web interface provides:
- Real-time grid visualization
- Happiness trends by agent type
- Learning metrics (loss, epsilon decay)
- Individual agent performance tracking