Works with the ESP32 Arduino platform. Refer to
This is a firmware for the ESPlorer I robot.
But can control any robots 4WD, 2WD or tank. (need some work to another motor drive than the DRV8833)
The program is for Arduino ESP32, have advanced features as:
- Web control (not need an app, just an browser)
- Motor control by virtual joystick
- Slow speed by PMW over PWM, with higher torque
- Optional OV7670 VGA camera with servo
- Accelerometer to anti-rollover system (not yet develop)
First have some library dependencies (please help the authors give a github start on it):
- Arduino websocket:
- ESP32MotorControl
- RemoteDebug:
- SerialDebug (optional):
After install it, just upload this firmware to ESP32
Schematics of robot controller:
- Wrong colors on camera
- Not working on L298 yet
- Documentation is in construction
See this firmware in action on ESPlorer I robot:
- First Beta
First thanks Igrr for code of OV7670. And Mudassar for put it working with socket server: (this code is based on Iggr code)
And yoannmoinet for javascript virtual joystick