bayesmix is a C++ library for running MCMC simulation in Bayesian mixture models.
Current state of the software:
- bayesmix performs inference for mixture models of the kind
Where P is either the Dirichlet process or the Pitman--Yor process.
We currently support univariate and multivariate location-scale mixture of Gaussian densities
Inference is carried out using either Algorithm 2 or Algorithm 8 in Neal (2000).
Serialization of the MCMC chains is possible using Google's protocol buffers
We heavily depend on Google's Protocol Buffers, so make sure to install it beforehand!
On Linux machine the following will install the library
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip
cd protobuf-3.14.0/
./configure --prefix=/usr
make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # refresh shared library cache.
On Mac and Windows machines, follow the official install guide (link)
Finally, to work with bayesmix
just clone the repository with
git clone --recurse-submodule [email protected]:bayesmix-dev/bayesmix.git
To run the executable:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make run
cd ..
To run unit tests:
cd build
cmake ..
make test_bayesmix
Please install the pre-commit hooks before commiting anything: it clears the output of jupyter notebooks. Just type
A Python package is already under development
- Extension to normalized random measures
- Using HMC / MALA MCMC algorithm to sample from the cluster-specific full conditionals when it's not conjugate to the base measure
- R package
This library provides a cluster estimates computation, given a mcmc chains.
It is based on expected posterior loss minimisation given a loss function and using a greedy algorithm.
Sources files are in the folder src/clustering
To run the code :
cd build
cmake ..
make run_pe
./run_pe filename_in filename_out loss Kup
where :
- filename_in is the entry filename that contains mcmc chain (a file in which values are separated with spaces)
- filename_out is the out filename in which cluster estimate will be writen
- loss is the specification of the loss function : 0 for binder loss, 1 for variation of information, 2 for normalized variation of information
- Kup is the max number of clusters (usually Kup=N is a good entry if dataset has a length of N)
Credible balls computation is also available. This aims to quantify the uncertainty of a cluster estimate. To run the credible balls code :
cd build
cmake ..
make run_cb
./run_cb filename_mcmc filename_pe filename_out loss rate
where :
- filename_mcmc is the filename in which there is the mcmc chain.
- filename_pe is the filename in which there is the cluster estimate.
- filename_out is the filename in which result will be writen
- loss is the specification of the loss function : 0 for binder loss, 1 for variation of information, 2 for normalized variation of information
- rate : has to be > 0. The smaller it is, the longer will run the program.
The directory src/clustering/R scripts
contains some scripts to generate mcmc chains for univariate and multivariate datasets.