The README Generator is an easy to use command line app that is run using inquirer to prompt the user for information about their project and then generates a file with sections based on the user input as well as a licensing badge.
To use the README generator on their project the user must fork the repo for the README Generator. The user will have to initialize npm and npm install to install inquirer so they may be prompted for input. Finally they must run node index.js from their command line in the folder in order to run the app and the file to be generated.
This app is to quickly and professionally create a file for a project with sections based on the information asked for in the prompts. The information from the prompts is placed in corresponding sections and a license badge is generated for the README based on the license they chose as well as a licensing section as well as links to their github account for any questions from users. Once the file is generated and future runs will replace the info in the file with new info so I recommend they write out their answers in a separate document to save for future reference or to re-add things they may not want to change in the file.
License This project is covered by . Click on the badge to see the license information
People can contribute to the app by forking the repo and working on it on their local machines and adding or removing whatever they deem necessary for the improvements they think are needed or suggested. Then they may push from their machine and then I will go over the changes and approve or not based on the criteria and goal of the project. If I do not check in a timely manner or they have questions in general they may reach me through the information in the Questions section of this README file.
Zero Tests
If you have any questions plese dont hessitate to email me here [email protected] OR follow me on GitHub Jmarrufo27