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JioMeet Template UI Quickstart

Welcome to JioHealthCareTemplate Template UI, a SDK that streamlines the integration of Jiomeet's powerful audio and video functionalities.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Setup
  5. Configure JioMeet Template UI Inside Your App
  6. Sample App
  7. Troubleshooting


In this documentation, we'll guide you through the process of installation, enabling you to enhance your Android app with Jiomeet's real-time communication capabilities swiftly and efficiently.Let's get started on your journey to creating seamless communication experiences with Jiomeet Template UI!


In Jiomeet Template UI, you'll find a range of powerful features designed to enhance your Android application's communication and collaboration capabilities. These features include:

Voice and Video Calling:Enjoy high-quality, real-time audio and video calls with your contacts.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Dependencies to be added

plugins {

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11

Jetpack Compose:

JioMeet Template UI relies on Jetpack Compose for its user interface components. Ensure that your Android project is configured to use Jetpack Compose. You can add the necessary configurations to your project's build.gradle file:

  // Enable Jetpack Compose
  buildFeatures {
      compose true

  // Set the Kotlin compiler extension version for Compose
  composeOptions {
      kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = "1.3.2"


Register on JioMeet Platform:

You need to first register on Jiomeet platform.Click here to sign up

Get your application keys:

Create a new app. Please follow the steps provided in the Documentation guide to create apps before you proceed.

Get you Jiomeet meeting id and pin

Use the create meeting api to get your room id and password

Configure JioMeet Template UI inside your app

i. In Gradle Scripts/build.gradle (Module: ) add the Template UI dependency. The dependencies section should look like the following:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.jiomeet.platform:jiomeetcoretemplatesdk:<version>"

Find the Latest version of the UI Kit and replace with the one you want to use. For example: 2.1.8.

Add permissions for network and device access.

In /app/Manifests/AndroidManifest.xml, add the following permissions after :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

<!-- The SDK requires Bluetooth permissions in case users are using Bluetooth devices. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<!-- For Android 12 and above devices, the following permission is also required. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />

Requesting run time permissions

it's crucial to request some permissions like CAMERA ,RECORD_AUDIO, READ_PHONE_STATE at runtime since these are critical device access permissins to ensure a seamless and secure user experience. Follow these steps

  1. Check Permissions
if (checkPermissions()) {
    // Proceed with using the features.
} else {
    // Request critical permissions at runtime.
  1. Request Runtime Permissions:
private void requestCriticalPermissions() {
        new String[]{

  1. Handle Permission Results
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
    if (requestCode == PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE) {
        if (areAllPermissionsGranted(grantResults)) {
            // Proceed with using the features that require critical permissions.
        } else {
            // Handle denied permissions, especially for camera and phone state, which are essential.

Start your App

  1. Modify AndroidManifest.xml: In the AndroidManifest.xml file of their app, users should specify the custom Application class they created as the application name. This tells Android to use their custom Application class when the app starts.
    android:name=".MyApplication" <!-- Specify the name of your custom Application class -->
    <!-- ... -->

  1. Update xml file for parent activity add below parameters. Note:- This would be the parent view where you will launch your template.
    android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  2. update onCreate to run LaunchCore() when the app starts. The updated code should be like the provided code sample:
    private val isPipEnabled = MutableStateFlow(false)
    private val pipSupported: Boolean by lazy {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) packageManager.hasSystemFeature(
        else false

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        BaseUrl.initializedNetworkInformation(this@JoinRoomActivity, Constant.Environment.PROD)

        val jioMeetListener = object : JioMeetListener {
            override fun onLeaveMeeting() {
                Toast.makeText(this@JoinRoomActivity, "Left meeting ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

            override fun onParticipantIconClicked() {
                Toast.makeText(this@JoinRoomActivity, "partcipant Icon clicked ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
        val jmJoinMeetingData = JMJoinMeetingData(
            meetingId = MEETIND_ID
            meetingPin = MEETING_PIN,
            displayName = DISPLAY_NAME,
            version = "",
            deviceId = ""
        setContent {
                jioMeetListener = jioMeetListener,
                jmJoinMeetingData = jmJoinMeetingData,
                isPipEnabled = isPipEnabled

    override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(
        isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean,
        newConfig: Configuration
    ) {
        super.onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode, newConfig)
        isPipEnabled.value = isInPictureInPictureMode

    override fun onUserLeaveHint() {
        if (!pipSupported) return
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return
        pipParams()?.let { enterPictureInPictureMode(it) }

Sample app

Visit our JiomeetHealthCareTemplate UI Sample app repo to run the ample app.
