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Add Gamma distribution
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JimmyMAndersson committed Sep 28, 2022
1 parent 24967f9 commit a19767c
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Showing 14 changed files with 706 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/CodeStyle.yml
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Swiftlint
uses: norio-nomura/action-swiftlint@3.1.0
uses: norio-nomura/action-swiftlint@3.2.1
args: --strict
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions .github/workflows/TestSuite.yml
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branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]

DEVELOPER_DIR: /Applications/

runs-on: macos-latest
runs-on: macos-12

- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run macOS Tests
run: swift test -c release --parallel

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04

- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run Linux Tests
run: swift test -c release --parallel
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: swift-actions/setup-swift@v1
swift-version: '5.7'
- name: Run Linux Tests
run: swift test -c release --parallel
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Package.swift
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// swift-tools-version:5.5
// swift-tools-version:5.7

import PackageDescription

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<p align="center">
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src=" pm-compatible-blueviolet.svg?style=flat" alt="Swift PM Compatible" />

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60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions Sources/StatKit/ContinuedFraction.swift
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import RealModule

/// A protocol outlining the functionality that a continued fraction generator must provide.
internal protocol ContinuedFractionGenerator {
associatedtype NumericType: Real
/// A function generating parameters `alpha_n` for iterations in [1, +.infinity].
func alpha(for iteration: Int) -> NumericType
/// A function generating parameters `beta_n` for iterations in [1, +.infinity].
func beta(for iteration: Int) -> NumericType

/// Computes an estimate of a continued fraction, using the modified Lentz' algorithm.
/// - parameter generator: A generator for the sequences of alpha's and beta's used in the computation.
/// - returns: An estimate of the provided continued fraction.
internal func continuedFraction<RealType, Generator>(generator: Generator) -> RealType
where RealType: BinaryFloatingPoint,
Generator: ContinuedFractionGenerator,
Generator.NumericType == RealType

let machineError = RealType.ulpOfOne
let ulpMultiplier = RealType(10)
let tiny = RealType.leastNonzeroMagnitude + .leastNonzeroMagnitude.ulp * ulpMultiplier

let a1 = generator.alpha(for: 1)
let b1 = generator.beta(for: 1)
let one = RealType(1)

var f = a1 / b1
var C = a1 / tiny
var D = one / b1
var iteration = 2
var delta =

repeat {
let an = generator.alpha(for: iteration)
let bn = generator.beta(for: iteration)

D = D * an + bn

if D == 0 {
D = tiny

C = bn + an / C

if C == 0 {
C = tiny

D = 1 / D
delta = C * D
f *= delta

iteration += 1

} while abs(delta - one) >= machineError

return f
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/// A type modelling a Gamma Distribution.
public struct GammaDistribution: ContinuousDistribution, UnivariateDistribution {
/// The Gamma distribution shape parameter.
public let alpha: Double

/// The Gamma distribution rate parameter.
public let beta: Double

/// Creates a Gamma Distribution with a specified alpha and beta parameters.
/// - parameter alpha: The distribution shape parameter.
/// - parameter beta: The distribution rate parameter.
public init(alpha: Double, beta: Double) {
precondition(0 < alpha, "The alpha parameter needs to be greater than 0.")
precondition(0 < beta, "The beta parameter needs to be greater than 0.")

self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta

/// Creates a Gamma Distribution with a specified shape and rate parameters.
/// - parameter shape: The distribution shape parameter.
/// - parameter rate: The distribution rate parameter.
public init(shape: Double, rate: Double) {
precondition(0 < shape, "The shape parameter needs to be greater than 0.")
precondition(0 < rate, "The rate parameter needs to be greater than 0.")

self.alpha = shape
self.beta = rate

public func pdf(x: Double, logarithmic: Bool = false) -> Double {
guard 0 < x else {
return logarithmic ? -.infinity : .zero

let logNumerator = (alpha - 1) * .log(x) - x / beta
let logDenominator = Double.logGamma(alpha) + alpha * .log(beta)
let logProbability = logNumerator - logDenominator

return logarithmic ? logProbability : .exp(logProbability)

public var mean: Double {
return alpha * beta

public var variance: Double {
return alpha * .pow(beta, 2)

public var skewness: Double {
return 2 / alpha.squareRoot()

public var kurtosis: Double {
return 6 / alpha + 3

public func cdf(x: Double, logarithmic: Bool = false) -> Double {
guard 0 < x else {
return logarithmic ? -.infinity : .zero
return regularizedIncompleteGamma(lower: .zero, upper: beta * x, alpha: alpha, logarithmic: logarithmic)

public func sample() -> Double {
var uniformGenerator = Xoroshiro256StarStar()

switch alpha {
case 0..<1:
return kunduGuptaSampling(using: &uniformGenerator)

return martinoLuengoSampling(using: &uniformGenerator)

public func sample(_ numberOfElements: Int) -> [Double] {
precondition(0 < numberOfElements, "The requested number of samples need to be greater than 0.")
var uniformGenerator = Xoroshiro256StarStar()
let sampleRange = 1 ... numberOfElements

switch alpha {
case 0..<1:
return { _ in kunduGuptaSampling(using: &uniformGenerator) }

return { _ in martinoLuengoSampling(using: &uniformGenerator) }

/// Computes a sample of a Gamma distribution with `0 < alpha < 1`.
/// - parameter generator: A uniform random number generator to be used in the computation.
/// - returns: A Gamma distribution sample.
/// `alpha` must be in range (0, 1).
/// Inspired by and based on work by Kundu and Gupta in their paper
/// '**A Convenient Way of Generating Gamma Random Variables Using Generalized Exponential Distribution**'.
private func kunduGuptaSampling(using generator: inout some RandomNumberGenerator) -> Double {
let d = 1.0334 - 0.0766 * .exp(2.2942 * alpha)

let firstFactorA = Double.pow(2.0, alpha)
let secondFactorA = Double.pow(1 - .exp(-d / 2), alpha)
let a = firstFactorA * secondFactorA

let b = alpha * .pow(d, alpha - 1) * .exp(-d)

let c = a + b

for _ in 1 ... 50 {
let U = Double.random(in: Double.leastNonzeroMagnitude ..< 1, using: &generator)

let X: Double

if U <= a / c {
X = -2 * .log(1 - .pow(c * U, 1 / alpha) / 2)
} else {
let numerator = c * (1 - U)
let denominator = alpha * .pow(d, alpha - 1)
X = -.log(numerator / denominator)

let V = Double.random(in: Double.leastNonzeroMagnitude ..< 1, using: &generator)
let threshold: Double

if X <= d {
let thresholdNumerator = .pow(X, alpha - 1) * .exp(-X / 2)
let thresholdDenominator = .pow(2, alpha - 1) * .pow(1 - .exp(-X / 2), alpha - 1)
threshold = thresholdNumerator / thresholdDenominator
} else {
threshold = .pow(d / X, 1 - alpha)

if V <= threshold {
return X

preconditionFailure("Failed to generate Gamma variate within a reasonable amount of time.")

/// Computes a sample of a Gamma distribution with `alpha >= 1`.
/// - parameter generator: A uniform random number generator to be used in the computation.
/// - returns: A Gamma distribution sample.
/// `alpha` must be in range [1, +infinity].
/// This method uses rejection sampling to generate proposal samples from the Gamma distribution.
/// Inspired by and based on work by Martino and Luengo in their paper
/// '**Extremely Efficient Generation of Gamma Random Variables for `alpha` >= 1**'.
private func martinoLuengoSampling(using generator: inout some RandomNumberGenerator) -> Double {
let proposalAlpha = alpha.rounded(.down)

let proposalBeta: Double
let proposalK: Double

switch alpha {
case 1..<2:
proposalBeta = beta / alpha
proposalK = .exp(1 - alpha) * .pow(alpha / beta, alpha - 1)

proposalBeta = beta * (proposalAlpha - 1) / (alpha - 1)
proposalK = .exp(proposalAlpha - alpha) * .pow((alpha - 1) / beta, alpha - proposalAlpha)

for _ in 1 ... 50 {
let uniformProduct = (1 ... Int(proposalAlpha))
.map { _ in
Double.random(in: 0 ... 1, using: &generator)
.reduce(into: 1, *=)

let proposal = -.log(uniformProduct) / proposalBeta
let random = Double.random(in: 0 ... 1, using: &generator)
let p = .pow(proposal, alpha - 1) * .exp(-beta * proposal)
let pi = proposalK * .pow(proposal, proposalAlpha - 1) * .exp(-proposalBeta * proposal)

if random <= p / pi {
return proposal

preconditionFailure("Failed to generate Gamma variate within a reasonable amount of time.")
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public struct PoissonDistribution: DiscreteDistribution, UnivariateDistribution

public func pmf(x: Int, logarithmic: Bool = false) -> Double {
guard 0 <= x else { return 0 }
guard 0 <= x else { return logarithmic ? -.infinity : 0 }

let logPMF = .log(.pow(rate, x.realValue)) - rate - .logGamma(x.realValue + 1)
return logarithmic ? logPMF : .exp(logPMF)
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