First archived release of GenotypePlot R package. Summary of changes from initial version described below:
- is.haploid flag for handling VCFs with haploid genotypes
- Bug fix for cases where VCF IDs are numbers rather than characters
- Includes plotting options: phasing, allele frequencies, polarisation
- Handling for multi-allelic VCFs
- Missing data and invariant filtering
- Update to clustering method based on PCA of genotype matrix
- Updated documentation and shiny app demo
- Individual filtering/reordering performed with bcftools, resolves issues with filtering vcf with vcfR.
- Popmap is checked against the VCF prior to reading in, and errors are caught.
flag added, can be used to read vcfR objected already in R and allows package to be used with windows- Error messages and general reporting fixes
flag added, so invariant filtering now optional but still default.- SNP marker labels improved so are added at regular intervals
Original R package