A Google Map Web Interface based visualiser for simulation of vessel trajectories in the Singapore Strait
- Author: A0105591J Xing Yifan
- Heat Map toggling
- Trajectory plotting and tracking
- Setup:
- Checkout repository
- Open index.html and you are ready to go
- Usage:
- Upload any .csv files in the output format of cleaned data from the python learning module for overall trajectory plotting, tracking and heatmap toggling
- Upload any .txt files from the ABM output for vessel movements under Agent Based Modelling
- You can PausePlotting and RestartPlotting anytime
- To restart plotting, click on Clear Trajectory and RestartPlotting
- The slider bar is used to adjust the plotting speed (plotting time interval, combined with the actual vessel speed)
- Under Functionality Dropdown menu, you can
- Place Origin and End pins
- Calculate the distance between the pins