My undergraduate Final Year Project awarded as the Excellent Bachelor's Project. It develops a vision-based sign language recognition system with multiple machine-learning models, which currently can recognize 10 static and 2 dynamic gesutures in ASL with testing accuracy of 99.68%.
Pre-classifier: LSTM
Static gesture classifier: KNN
Dynamic gesture classifier: 2 HMMs
There are two .py file:
To train, test and save models. Read two datasets with and without bounding features as input. Use 5-fold CV to train and test models. Evaluation metrics(accuracy, precision, recall and f1 score), confusion matrices are output. Models trained in the final round of 5-fold CV are saved for further usage.
To operate as the real-time recognition system with pre-trained models. Data acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, pre-classification and classification processes are included. Read the saved models generated by 1).
There are a system framework diagram and a demo. video for reference.
Model files folder contains pre-trained models as an example.
Datasets are not available for public use at this stage.
Please note that different camera type can lead to significant variance in system performance.