This is a reusable visualization of nursing homes(and retirement homes) for senior citizens(elder,older,pensioner) in India displayed using Mapbox GL.
1.To download India.mbtiles,goto the following link and copy the link to india.mbtlies
Now run the following command on terminal
wget <link to india.mbtiles>
To unzip the india.mbtiles file:
gunzip india.mbtiles.gz
2.Now run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core
git --version
git clone
cd osm-tag-stats
<sudo> npm install
<sudo> npm link
3.Write a query to extract data from OSM using OSM tags in a JSON file.
Name the JSON file as filter.json
Save the filter.json file in the same folder as the india.mbtiles file
4.Now run the following command for data extraction:
osm-tag-stats --geojson=results.geojson --mbtiles="india.mbtiles" --filter='filter.json' --count
The result will be stored in results.geojson file.
To view extracted data on map: Copy the contents of results.geojson on
5.To visualize map using Mapbox GL: Create an html file (index.html) with data in results.geojson file.
View the visualized map on nursing homes for senior citizens here