Releases: Jelmerro/Vieb
Vieb 12.2.0
- History and favicon storage to be async for reducing temporary freezes
- Command mkviebrc still using single quotes to generate full output
- Electron 34.0.0 (was 33.2.0)
- Chromium 132.0.6834.83 (was 130.0.6723.118)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 12.1.0
- Adblock resources file handling, now uses the JSON format for increased coverage
- Argument interface scale not accepting fractional scaling in some cases
- Occasional scaling issue that affected the position of the menu suggestions
- Safer check for document.head.innerText to prevent errors in page console
- Missing space in "New tab" wording of English translation
- Startup not working for users who never used custom settings before 12.0.0
- Electron 33.2.0 (was 30.0.6)
- Chromium 130.0.6723.118 (was 124.0.6367.207)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 12.0.0
- Setting "lang" with partial translation support
- Default mappings for navbar modes to select suggestions with C-j and C-k
- Default mappings for cancelling recordings using
- Clone tab buttons to mouse menu of a tab, to either edit or navigate directly
- Actions "p.mediaFaster" and "p.mediaSlower" to control audio/video playback speed
- Experimental optional DRM builds to the build script (default release is not affected)
- Setting "adblockernotifications" to control which notifications should be shown for the adblocker
- Build option for compressing just an asar file of the app to run directly with Electron
- Tab and system audio sharing option support to the improved display capture popup
- Greasemonkey scripts to work with single match argument instead of multiple include statements
- Download pausing and removal to be via uuid instead of index to be more reliable
- Special pages to no longer use a reversed rendering order, making selecting and styling easier
- Special pages to no longer use a fixed minimum width
- Additional cut/copy/paste keys to also work in the navbar (S-del, C-Insert & S-Insert)
- Styling category to be correct for filebrowser (previously page, now file)
- Stored urls of closed tabs to also be in human readable format to better account for special pages
- Special pages to always use the vieb:// prefix again for simpler datafolder switching
- Shift modifier to be less strict for popup input keys
- Display capture popup to be outside of the page as a proper notification
- Greasemonkey scripts that broke when the header was directly next to the script
- Greasemonkey scripts not working if multiple match the same domain by using an IIFE
- Setting "mouse" not working at all in 11.0.0 due to incorrect setting type
- Downloads not kept on restart since V10
- Startup urls not opening in existing instance if the protocol was missing
- String settings not accepting double quote escaping properly in 11.0.0
- Markdown local images not loading properly on Windows due to Windows file paths being weird
- File explorer not working on Windows since 10.4.0 due to Windows file paths being weird
- Root url actions breaking the file explorer on Windows by navigating above the root
- Electron 30.0.6 (was 28.0.0)
- Chromium 124.0.6367.207 (was 120.0.6099.56)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 11.0.0
- Settings of type list and object, that can also be set with lists or objects with ":set"
- Setting "loadingindicator" to control where the page load status should be shown
- Setting "passthroughkeys" to send keys to the page per site/domain/regex without leaving normal mode
- Option to write command to save pages as MHTML instead of just HTML
- Setting "windowfullscreen" to allow the fullscreen state to be kept after restart (default "restore")
- Setting clear syntax from booleans ":set noexample", to work for objects, arrays and numbers too
- Default value for "dialogconfirm" to "notifyallow"
- Default value for "nativetheme" to "dark"
- Disabled favicons to be empty instead of showing the broken image indicator
- Mapsuggest and notification alignment in default colorscheme
- Table of contents to be always open, it is either opened and shown or not shown at all
- Table of contents to remember the scroll position on hide, until the page is reloaded, for easy toggling
- Default theme suggest position to be below the tabs
- Setting "mousevisualmode" now works with double and triple click selections
- Default screenshot suggestions, highlight behavior and styling to be more prominent
- Setting "modifiers" to use full key names: for example
instead of justCtrl
- Setting "suspendplayingtab" in favor of "suspendtimeoutignore" with the right range
- Option "system" for "nativetheme"
- Option "ask" for "permissionmediadevices"
- Setting "restorewindowmaximize" in favor of "windowmaximize" with value "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowposition" in favor of "windowposition" with value "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowsize" in favor of "windowsize" with value "restore"
- Download success notification showing in info color instead of success color
- Occasional error popup when viewing SVGs directly because of style injection refusal
- Markdownviewer not supporting local images due to file access limits
- GUI-related settings not hiding after follow and pointer actions due to pointer being in mouse override position
- Mapped insert mode inputs with shifted keys sending the keys twice or not at all when unshifted variant exists
- Non-recursive insert mode special keys not always being called with the correct name (hence arrows not working)
- Electron 28.0.0 (was 27.1.0)
- Chromium 120.0.6099.56 (was 118.0.5993.144)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 10.6.0
- Settings "windowmaximize" to replace "restorewindowmaximize" and allow fixed defaults
- Settings "windowposition" to replace "restorewindowposition" and allow custom positions
- Settings "windowsize" to replace "restorewindowsize" and allow custom sizes
- Revert deprecation of "tocpages", current empty default wil remain in 11.x.x
- More setting related errors to show the incorrect value
- Setting "restorewindowmaximize" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowmaximize" with "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowposition" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowposition" with "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowsize" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowsize" with "restore"
- Nativetheme not updating correctly because of incorrect deprecation statement in previous release
- Electron 27.1.0 (was 27.0.4)
- Chromium 118.0.5993.144 (was 118.0.5993.129)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 10.5.0
- Setting "suspendtimeoutignore" to specify ranges to exclude from the "suspendtimeout" setting
- Setting "suspendplayingtab" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "suspendtimeoutignore" with the right range
- Default value for "dialogconfirm" being "notifyblock" (will change to "notifyallow" in 11.x.x)
- Default value for "nativetheme" being "system" (will change to "dark" in 11.x.x, "system" will be removed)
- Default value for "tocpages" being "" (will change to "vieb://help" in 11.x.x)
- Option "ask" for "permissionmediadevices" (will be removed in 11.x.x)
- Table of contents background being transparent
- Cache not being cleared correctly on quit on Windows resulting in background processes remaining
- Electron 27.0.4 (was 27.0.0)
- Chromium 118.0.5993.129 (was 118.0.5993.54)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 10.4.0
- Clickable headers to the filebrowser to go up multiple directories at once
- Extra CSS color variables names for filebrowser, still using the same default colors
- Entry "top" in the toc to go back to the top of the page
- Argument "--execute" to run arbitrary runtime commands from the CLI and get its output
- Option "allowkind" to setting "permissionmediadevices" to only list the device type/kind without labels or ids
- Startup flag "--devtools-theme" and ENV var VIEB_DEVTOOLS_THEME to control devtools theme (default remains dark)
- Command "buffers" to list all the open tabs as "index: url"
- Eslint rules to be more strict with better jsdoc and types
- Url modification functions for subdomain and parent urls to be more accurate
- Clicks on tabs while inside navbar modes to switch tab instead of only going to normal mode
- Rare error popup on quit on some Linux desktop environments
- Location mock not being accurate leading to broken functionality on Gitlab and other sites
- Command "tabnewcontainer" not opening with the right name if using "containernewtab=s:external"
- Extra horizontal scrollbar on failedload and filebrowser pages since last release
- Some selections with email addresses being encoded as if a url on copy
- Setting explorehist not working since 10.0.0 due to incorrect import
- Potential duplicate ids in toc generation if a page already has the generated id
- Config file read from ENV VIEB_CONFIG_FILE always being changed to lowercase
- Chrome pages not being styled directly when changing colorscheme
- Pages without div or main incorrectly using colorscheme instead of a white background
- Permission mediadevices throwing an error instead of returning an empty list for blocking media device list
- Colorscheme verticaltabs breaking the history page layout due to duplicate ids
- Electron 27.0.0 (was 27.0.0-alpha.3)
- Chromium 118.0.5993.54 (was 118.0.5949.0)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 10.3.0
- Table of contents that can be triggered for pages via
or using the<showTOC>
actions - Default ozone-platform-hint=auto flag to Linux releases with a desktop file to improve Wayland support
- Command
to remove multiple mappings by using<Any>
as a wildcard
- Failedload and filebrowser pages are now styled with themes like other special pages
- Undo/redo navbar logic to prevent duplicate entries in the edit history
- Commands to list the name and arguments of failing commands more often
- Fullscreen to also toggle when the window is made fullscreen via Linux specific OS fullscreen features
- Simple text pages that disable JavaScript blocking the colors and fontsize being applied
- Actions "toParentSubdomain" and toRootSubdomain" not working with dashes in the domain name
- Media device query being denied if done via the allow list with
- Navbar selection being cleared when dragging outside of the navbar
- Media indicator not showing in numberedtabs colorscheme
- Domain name function not removing port number resulting in wrong paths for
if viewing a page with custom port number
- Electron 27.0.0-alpha.3 (was 25.4.0)
- Chromium 118.0.5949.0 (was 114.0.5735.248)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 10.2.0
- Setting "permissionidledetection" to control access to the Idle Detection API, default remains blocked
- Setting "permissionwindowmanagement" to control access to the list of screens and their position, default remains blocked
- Use urls and titles in a command with
- Overflow wrap not splitting words as needed for download title
- Permission check via navigator.permission.query always being allowed, it now uses the permission to correctly inform sites
- USB permission not being blocked in the permissionsasked setting
- Electron 25.4.0 (was 25.2.0)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.248 (was 114.0.5735.134)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.
Vieb 10.1.1
- Stored urls to be of the human readable format to better account for special pages
- Adblocker to show a notification if enabled but not present for all builds
- AppImage builds to better handle special pages for changing runtime folder
- Encoding issues since 10.0.0 in markdownviewer, readerview and sourceviewer
- Mappings that send keys to insert mode delayed not working since 10.0.0
- Potential circular reference to parent iframes resulting in freezes
- Electron 25.2.0 (unchanged)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.134 (unchanged)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.