Error-free transformations are used to get results with extra accuracy.
- The number that begins a function name always matches the number of values returned.
- the values returned are of descending magnitude and non-overlapping when added.
- The number that begins a function name often matches the number of arguments expected.
are single argument functions returning two values
These are error-free transformations.
These are error-free transformations with magnitude sorted arguments.
These are least-error transformations, as close to error-free as possible.
The routines named with the prefix two_
return a two-tuple holding (high_order_part, low_order_part)
Those named with the prefix three_
return a three-tuple holding (high_part, mid_part, low_part)
Error-free transformations return a tuple of the nominal result and the residual from the result (the left-over part).
Error-free addition sums two floating point values (a, b) and returns two floating point values (hi, lo) such that:
(+)(a, b) == hi
|hi| > |lo|
and(+)(hi, lo) == hi
abs(hi) and abs(lo) do not share significant bits
Here is how it is done:
function add_errorfree(a::T, b::T) where T<:Union{Float64, Float32}
a_plus_b_hipart = a + b
b_asthe_summand = a_plus_b_hipart - a
a_plus_b_lopart = (a - (a_plus_b_hipart - b_asthe_summand)) + (b - b_asthe_summand)
return a_plus_b_hipart, a_plus_b_lopart
a = Float32(1/golden^2) # 0.3819_6602f0
b = Float32(pi^3) # 31.0062_7700f0
a_plus_b = a + b # 31.3882_4300f0
hi, lo = add_errorfree(a,b) # (31.3882_4300f0, 3.8743_0270f-7)
a_plus_b == hi # true
abs(hi) > abs(lo) && hi + lo == hi # true
The lo
part is a portion of the accurate value, it is (most of) the residuum that the hi
part could not represent.
The hi
part runs out of significant bits before the all of the accurate value is represented. We can see this:
a = Float32(1/golden^2) # 0.3819_6602f0
b = Float32(pi^3) # 31.0062_7700f0
hi, lo = add_errorfree(a,b) # (31.3882_4300f0, 3.8743_0270f-7)
a_plus_b_accurate = BigFloat(a) + BigFloat(b)
lo_accurate = Float32(a_plus_b_accurate - hi)
lo == lo_accurate # true
This package is intended to be used in the support of other work.
All routines expect Float64 or Float32 or Float16 values.
[CG2023] Thomas R Cameron and Stef Graillat.
Accurate Horner Methods in Real and Complex Floating-Point Arithmetic
HAL Id: hal-04030542, 2023
paper retreived from
C code available from
[LO2020] Marko Lange and Shin'ichi Oishi
A note on Dekker’s FastTwoSum algorithm
Numerische Mathematik (2020) 145:383–403
[BGM2017] Sylvie Boldo, Stef Graillat, and Jean-Michel Muller
On the robustness of the 2Sum and Fast2Sum algorithms
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Association for Computing Machinery, 2017
[GMM2007] Stef Graillat, Valérie Ménissier-Morain
Error-Free Transformations in Real and Complex Floating Point Arithmetic
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'07), Sep 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'07), pp.341-344.
[ORO2006] Takeshi Ogita, Siegfried M. Rump, and Shin'ichi Oishi
Accurate Sum and Dot Product
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 26(6), 1955–1988.
Published online: 25 July 2006
DOI: 10.1137/030601818
[D1971] T.J. Dekker
A floating-point technique for extending the available precision
Numer. Math. 18, 224–242 (1971).