Koichi Shirahata optimized Hadoop Distribution, especially with high performance of MapReduce with GPGPU.
Here is our paper: Koichi Shirahata, Hitoshi Sato, and Satoshi Matsuoka. "Hybrid Map Task Scheduling for GPU-based Heterogeneous Clusters" In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Theory and Practice of MapReduce (MAPRED'2010), pp. 466-471, Indianapolis, USA, November 2010.
This software modified and includes Hadoop-0.20.1, The Apache Software Foundation
- Add CPU and GPU hybrid executable feature on Hadoop pipes (in hadoop-gpu-0.20.1/src/mapred/org/apache/hadoop/mapred)
- Add dynamic hybrid task scheduling feature on Hadoop (in hadoop-gpu-0.20.1/src/mapred/org/apache/hadoop/mapred)
Please read CHANGES.txt to find more detailed modifications.
##Installation and Setup
Make sure you have installed CUDA, Java, and ant
###Set environment variables
- set HADOOP_HOME to hadoop-gpu-{version} directory
- set JAVA_HOME in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/hadoop-env.sh
- set configuration files (core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml, masters, slaves),
- specify the number of CPU cores / GPU devices in mapred-site.xml
###Build system and apps
####build hadoop-gpu $ cd $HADOOP_HOME
$ ant compile -
####build apps (show kmeans2D app as an example) $ cd $HADOOP_HOME/../apps/pipes/kmeans/cpu-kmeans2D
$ make
$ cd $HADOOP_HOME/../apps/pipes/kmeans/gpu-kmeans2D
$ make
###Run apps
####start hadoop-gpu (same as standard hadoop) $ cd $HADOOP_HOME
$ bin/hadoop namenode -format
$ bin/start-all.sh -
####put binary and input files into HDFS $ bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir bin
$ bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir input
$ bin/hadoop dfs -put $HADOOP_HOME/../apps/pipes/kmeans/cpu-kmeans2D/cpu-kmeans2D bin
$ bin/hadoop dfs -put $HADOOP_HOME/../apps/pipes/kmeans/gpu-kmeans2D/gpu-kmeans2D bin
$ bin/hadoop dfs -put $HADOOP_HOME/../data/kmeans/input2D/ik2_sample input -
####run apps (show kmeans2D app as an example) $ ./kmeans2D.sh input/ik2_sample
$ hadoop accel ¥
-D hadoop.pipes.java.recordreader=true ¥
-D hadoop.pipes.java.recordwriter=true ¥
-output output ¥
-cpubin bin/cpu-kmeans ¥
-gpubin bin/gpu-kmeans ¥
-input input/ik2_sample
* *if you want to run with either single binary, please set the same (cpu or gpu) binary both at cpubin and gpubin*
##Open Source License All Koichi Shirahata offered code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. And others follow the original license announcement.
- Copyright (C) 2013 Koichi Shirahata All Rights Reserved.