This Repository is for code files that implements various Data Structures and Algorithms including their test cases.
1. Data Structures
* List
- SinglyLinkedList
- DoublyLinkedList
* Stack
- Stack
- LinkedListStack(Implementation of STACK using java.util.LinkedList)
* Queue
- Queue
- LinkedListQueue(Implementation of QUEUE using java.util.LinkedList)
* Heap
- MinHeap - Implementation using Array.
- MaxHeap - Implementation using Array.
- LinkedListMaxHeap - Implementation using LinkedList
- LinkedListMinHeap - Implementation using LinkedList
* Tree
- BinarySearchTree
- AVLTree - Self Correcting Tree
2. Algorithms
* Sorting
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
In this repository, provided code files will be of JAVA. But After Understanding concepts we can easily write it into any Programming languages such as C, C++ or Python.