Tic Tac Toe or may known as Cross and zeros.
🖋 Customisations :
Used Html for the game board.
Main design and structure (Created Cross and Zeros, Heading and Restart bottons ) is created by using only css.
Working logic is done by using Javascript.
🗺 Working :
Main Logic of the game includes that eitherr one of the two should match equally Horizontally, Vertically or Diagonally.
Added all the possible combination using Array, check the condition using "ForOf" Loops and the winning player will get highlighted box on its winning combination.
The Next coming turn will also display on the top to prevent repeating the same value or turn. The winner will get to see the victory line on top replacing the "Tic Tac Toe" heading.
If after winning there are still empty boxes on the board then no player would be able to enter other values untill they restart the game.
Game Also includes Draw functioanlity as all the boxes on the board are fill and no Player wins then heading will be replaced by "DRAW!".
🖼 Images :
✔ Conclusion :
It was a fun Project and reminded me of my school days when we used to play this game on the last page of our notebooks.
Any Feedbacks and Suggestions are appreciated.