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To delete an entire block of whitespace or tab, and reduce the time programmers need to press backspace


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Hungry Delete Extension for Visual Studio Code

I find it very annoying to press backspace multiple times to remove the leading tabs or white spaces in order to return to the previous end of the line.

Therefore, I created this extension, it overrides ctrl+backspace key binding, once ctrl+backspace is pressed, a command is executed.

Later I found that sometimes I just want to delete the upper line and keep the indent (Personally I don't use backspace to adjust the indent, I use ctrl+[), so I added the smart backspace feature which overrides backspace.


Hungry Delete

To delete ALL tab or white spaces before the cursor, until it reaches a non-empty character.

  • Windows and Linux : Press ctrl+backspace
  • Mac : Press alt+backspace

What you need to do before Hungry Delete :

Press ctrl+backspace multiple times to delete the leading spaces and tabs

Before Hungry Delete

What you need to do after Hungry Delete :

Press ctrl+backspace ONCE to delete the leading spaces and tabs until you reach a non-empty character

After Hungry Delete

Hungry Delete also supports multiple cursors

Hungry Delete Multiple Cursor

Smart Backspace

To delete the upper empty line or delete all tabs or white spaces until the end of the previous line.

  • Windows and Linux and Mac: Press backspace

What you need to do before Smart Backspace :

Press backspace multiple times to delete the leading tabs or space to upper line. (Or press the upper arrow and press ctrl+k)

Before Smart Backspace

What you need to do after Smart Backspace :

Press backspace once

After Smart Backspace

Smart Backspace also support multiple cursor :

Smart Backspace Multiple Cursor

Keep One Space

Set to true to keep at least one space after the last word of the previous line with smart backspace. By default, this is false.

Keep One Space

    "hungryDelete.keepOneSpace" : true

When you see some characters, don't use keep one space

    "hungryDelete.keepOneSpaceException": ">;"

Consider Increase Indent Pattern

Set to true to consider increase pattern. By default, this is false.

It tries to "guess" the indentation of cursor line, and compute the expected indentation of cursor line. If the indentation is not right, it just deletes whitespace to fit the indentation level, but not deleting the line break.

In the gif below:

ul match the increase pattern rule so li have one more indent level. However, li is too deep, smart backspace just deletes the whitespace before li to fit the indentation level it expected.

For detail, please see.

Consider Increase pattern

    "hungryDelete.considerIncreaseIndentPattern": true

This feature only supports a few languages

Follow Above Line Indent

Set to true to follow above line indent. By default, this is false.

1st li doesn't match the increase pattern rule, but 2nd li follow the indent of 1st li.

Follow above line indent

    "hungryDelete.followAboveLineIndent": true


Change the key binding

By default, hungry delete command maps to ctrl+backspace on windows and Linux, alt+backspace on mac. The following snippet can be placed inside keybings.json file to override the default key binding, it sets ctrl+shift+backspace for the command.

        "key": "ctrl+shift+backspace",
        "command": "extension.hungryDelete",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"

Disable smart backspace

To disable smart backspace, just set hungryDelete.enableSmartBackspace to be false in the setting.

    "hungryDelete.enableSmartBackspace" : false

Language Configuration

In order to power consider-increase-pattern, it needs language configuration. However, VSCode doesn't provide API to retrieve the language configuration, therefore I copied the following configuration from vscode source code, and embedded it in the extension. If you need to support another language, you need to adjust the following setting.

"hungryDelete.languageConfigurations" : {
    "type": "array",
    "description": "Provide language configuration which affects the behaviour of smart backspace",
    "default": [
            "languageId": "html",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "<(?!\\?|(?:area|base|br|col|frame|hr|html|img|input|link|meta|param)\\b|[^>]*\\/>)([-_\\.A-Za-z0-9]+)(?=\\s|>)\\b[^>]*>(?!.*<\\/\\1>)|<!--(?!.*-->)|\\{[^}\"']*$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*(<\\/(?!html)[-_\\.A-Za-z0-9]+\\b[^>]*>|-->|\\})"
            "languageId": "go",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "^.*(\\bcase\\b.*:|\\bdefault\\b:|(\\b(func|if|else|switch|select|for|struct)\\b.*)?{[^}\"'`]*|\\([^)\"'`]*)$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*(\\bcase\\b.*:|\\bdefault\\b:|}[)}]*[),]?|\\)[,]?)$"
            "languageId": "json",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "^.*(\\{[^}]*|\\[[^\\]]*)$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*[}\\]],?\\s*$"
            "languageId": "less",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "(^.*\\{[^}]*$)",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*\\}"
            "languageId": "lua",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "^((?!(\\-\\-)).)*((\\b(else|function|then|do|repeat)\\b((?!\\b(end|until)\\b).)*)|(\\{\\s*))$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*((\\b(elseif|else|end|until)\\b)|(\\})|(\\)))"
            "languageId": "php",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "({(?!.+}).*|\\(|\\[|((else(\\s)?)?if|else|for(each)?|while|switch).*:)\\s*(/[/*].*)?$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^(.*\\*\\/)?\\s*((\\})|(\\)+[;,])|(\\][;,])|\\b(else:)|\\b((end(if|for(each)?|while|switch));))"
            "languageId": "ruby",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*((begin|class|(private|protected)\\s+def|def|else|elsif|ensure|for|if|module|rescue|unless|until|when|while|case)|([^#]*\\sdo\\b)|([^#]*=\\s*(case|if|unless)))\\b([^#\\{;]|(\"|'|\/).*\\4)*(#.*)?$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*([}\\]]([,)]?\\s*(#|$)|\\.[a-zA-Z_]\\w*\\b)|(end|rescue|ensure|else|elsif|when)\\b)"
            "languageId": "typescript",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "^((?!.*?\\/\\*).*\\*\\/)?\\s*[\\}\\]].*$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^((?!\\/\\/).)*(\\{[^}\"'`]*|\\([^)\"'`]*|\\[[^\\]\"'`]*)$"
            "languageId": "yaml",
            "indentationRules": {
                "increaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*.*(:|-) ?(&amp;\\w+)?(\\{[^}\"']*|\\([^)\"']*)?$",
                "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s+\\}$"

Conflict With Vim Extension

Because Vim extension define its own vim_backspace. In order to work with Vim extension in insert mode, normal mode and visual mode, add the following setting in keybindings.json

    // Cancel the original vim backspace
        "key": "backspace",
        "command": "-extension.vim_backspace",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && && !inDebugRepl"
    // Enable the vim backspace only in search mode
        "key": "backspace",
        "command": "extension.vim_backspace",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'SearchInProgressMode'"


  1. Click "No" if VSCode detected that this extension has a conflict with Vim extension


  2. Add setting into keybindings.json

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3


  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. Edit src/extension.ts

Testing: Run Extension Test on vscode, make such all test cases are passed Note: CLI test is not support at this moment ... (no idea why)


Please refer to for detail.


The term Hungry Delete comes from Emacs

The term Smart Backspace comes from PhpStorm


To delete an entire block of whitespace or tab, and reduce the time programmers need to press backspace








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