Projet Laravel, Grille évaluation
Fork on your github account the original repo from XCarrel/larasta.
Clone your fork of larasta on your local machine.
git clone FLODER
Follow the installation steps for homestead here.
Once homestead are installed, you must add to your homestead configuration the path to your fresh clone of larasta.
Homestead.yaml :
# Set up the synced folders
- map: /path/to/your/local/clone/of/larasta
to: /path/in/the/vm
# Set up the nginx virtualhost
- map:
to: /path/in/the/vm
Go to your project folder and run the installation of laravel dependencies.
cd /path/to/your/local/clone/of/larasta
# install composer dependencies
composer install
# install the npm dependencies
cd public && npm i
When the dependencies are installed you must duplicate the .env.example
file and rename it to .env
Then open your .env
file and complete the informations four our specific development environnement (db connexion).
Finally, for laravel to work properly, you must generate the application key.
cd /path/to/your/local/clone/of/larasta
php artisan key:generate
- Drop schema
on your server - Synchronize (i.e: create) schema using
database/Stages v2.mwb
with Workbench - Execute script
For your tests, you will want to try working as different users with different privilege levels
You can do that using the .env
file, adding the following keys:
Then use the static method Environment::currentUser()
in your code
If you plan on synchronising your local database with the Intranet (persons), you need the application key and the secret.
Add 2 environment variables in the .env
file of the project:
If you plan on using the distance matrix function, you must provide the GoogleMap API key:
WARNING: We have a quota on the requests and it goes for the whole school. The application can be pretty greedy, so use this feature with care and consideration for other users.
Now, your fork of larasta is working on your machine, you can acces it by the domain name you specified in the Homestead configuration (Don't forget to add it on your host file).
If your have problems, you can check the laravel documentation :