Work in process ...
This repository contains a wide range of my models and tests written on machine learning topics based on TensorFlow / PyTorch and other libraries.
First get the project folder
git clone
Then run any test file as you want
The main dependence is:
NumPy | Adaboost Classifier Pseudocode Model Test |
- TensorFlow | Non-negative Matrix Factorization Model MovieLens Test |
TensorFlow | MLP Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
PyTorch | MLP Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | Conv2D Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
PyTorch | Conv2D Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | LSTM Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
PyTorch | LSTM Classifier Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | MLP Autoencoder (weights-tied) Model | MNIST Test |
TensorFlow | Conv2D Autoencoder (weights-tied) Model MNIST Test CIFAR10 Test |
TensorFlow | MLP Highway Classifier Model MNIST Test |
Python | Text Cleaning
Python | Word Indexing
Sklearn | LSA Book Titles Test |
Python | Tri-Gram Amazon Review Test |
Sklearn | TF-IDF Brown Corpus Test |
TensorFlow | Word2vec Skip-Gram Model Text8 Test |
Sklearn | TF-IDF + Logistic Regression IMDB Test |
TensorFlow | Conv1D Model IMDB Test | Concat Conv1D Model IMDB Test |
TensorFlow | Bi-directional LSTM + Attention Model IMDB Test |
Python | 2nd order Markov Model Robert Frost Test |
TensorFlow | LSTM Model CoNLL-2000 Test | Bi-directional LSTM Model CoNLL-2000 Test |
TensorFlow | Bi-directional LSTM + CRF Model CoNLL-2000 Test |
PyTorch | LSTM Model CoNLL-2000 Test | Bi-directional LSTM Model CoNLL-2000 Test |
TensorFlow | LSTM Model ICWB2 Test | Bi-directional LSTM Model ICWB2 Test |
TensorFlow | Bi-directional LSTM + CRF Model ICWB2 Test |
PyTorch | LSTM Model ICWB2 Test | Bi-directional LSTM Model ICWB2 Test |
OP | Resize
OP | Rotations
Segmentation | Contours
Segmentation | Sorting Contours
Detection | Face & Eye Detection Using Cascade Classifier
Detection | Walker & Car Detection Using Cascade Classifier