SDK Installation:
You need
- JDK 7
- Eclipse Luna
- Xtext SDK 2.7.x + Xtext Antlr
- leJOS EV3 0.8.1beta (
Configure Eclipse
- Import projects
- Set EV3_HOME on Preferences > leJOS EV3
EV3 Setup (for each EV3 brick)
- format SD card in FAT32
- unzip EV3/ to SD card
- insert SD card into EV3 brick and start it. Autosetup takes about 10mins.
- change brick name ('Blue' or 'Red')
- setup WiFi
- Run External Tool Configuration 'Deploy on Bricks' to deploy BrickConnector.jar
- Deploy additional libraries: scp root@:/home/lejos/programs
- org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib_2.7.x
- org.apache.log4j_1.2.x
Install and Run Xtrack
- Clone and compile
- Connect an HD webcam and run the tracking application
Run the Game
- Start the BrickConnector program on the EV3s
- Run the 'Start Game Server' configuration