hue-cli allows you to control your Philips Hue lights via the command prompt.
This was created as a simple project to get used to the Rust programming language.
This can be built using the Rust package manager Cargo
cargo build
To use this tool it requires a Philips Hue Bridge
Login to the Hue Bridge
hue-cli login
List connected lights along with status
hue-cli list
Turn on a light
hue-cli set on "Living Room Light"
Turn off a light
hue-cli set off "Living Room Light"
Set brightness of a light
hue-cli set bri "Living Room Light" 50
Set alias for a light
hue-cli set alias "Living Room Light" LL
#Using the alias
hue-cli set on LL
- Login to Hue Bridge
- Turn on light
- Turn off light
- Set brightness of light
- Set colour of light
- Set Alias Names for lights to easily reference them later
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.