Discord bot that posts into a channel when a new video has been uploaded
- "/subscribe channel-url:<url to channel>" : Subscribe to a youtube channel. The url must be to the channels home page
- "/unsubscribe" : Select a channel to unsubscribe from. This will display a list of channels that are currently subscribed to. Selecting one will unsubscribe the current discord channel.
- "/showall" : List all the youtube channels that the bot is currently monitoring for the current discord channel.
The best way to run the bot is via docker/docker-compose. Here is an example docker-compose file.
version: '3'
container_name: discordbotV2
image: ghcr.io/jamesstallworthy/discordyoutubenotify:latest
restart: always
- discord_token=<Discord API Token> #(https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2)
- youtube_pollrate=5 #How often the bot polls the youtube api in minutes
- youtube_token=<Youtube API Key> #(https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started)
- ./data:/app/Data