Simple ChartView for Android.
In your root build.gradle file add this:
maven { url '' }
To your app module add dependency:
implementation 'com.github.JakubNeukirch:ChartView:0.5.7'
Usage is shown in app/src/main/java/pl/kuben/chart/MainActivity
To use it simply add PeriodicChartView to your xml. Available attributes:
name | type | description |
valueText | String | identifier at the top of chart - default "val." |
dateText | String | identifier for date - default "date" |
showText | Boolean | defines if text should be shown, mostly used when chart is small - default "true" |
progressColor | @IntColor Int | defines value line color - default "blue" |
progressBackgroundColor | @IntColor Int | defines background color - default "greyish" |
chartPadding | Int | defines padding of drawed chart - default "10px" |
dateInterval | Enum | defines how entries should be grouped - available "day", "week", "month" - default "day" |
Also available variables:
name | type | description |
fromDate | Long | timestamp date which limits range of values |
toDate | Long | timestamp date which limits range of values |
To add values you need to insert list of Entry
which has two field:
name | type | description |
count | Int | the value which it contains |
date | Long | timestamp of adding it |
Inserting values:
chart.entries = listOf(
Entry(2, System.currentTimeMillis()),
Entry(4, System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
Entry(5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2),
Entry(1, System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3)
Finally entries are summed up and sorted so it does not need to be sorted or added in any special order.
Changed access modifiers for groupBy
and groupedEntries
Added progressBackgroundColor
Improved appearance
Fixed progressBackgroundColor
Fixed positioning
[WIP] Add tendentious
field which indicates whether should be shown as trends or or not. (for now just hour trends)
Add sorting by hour when tendencies are ON. Add possibility to change count of points on chart