Eternal is a work in progress mod which aims to add some random stuff into your Terraria experience, with a plan of 32 total bosses and some minibosses, and don't forget, hundreds upon hundreds of items (maybe thousands). There is also a brand new difficulty to spice up a bit of your gameplay and have some reward from each boss (not all rewards are available yet...), and even some post-Moon Lord content to make things a bit more fun with a chance of sudden randomness from out of complete nowhere!
All code here is licensed under the GPL v3 license. To keep it simple, it is similar to the MIT license, but using the code in this repository by any means necessary requires you to open-source your code under the same license.
View the full license here. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named JakeTEM.
We are currently looking for contributors, if you so happen to have modding experience, feel free to contribute to the Eternal mod, escpecially since, it could it bit of code and file cleanup. Otherwise, feel free to browse the Eternal mod's code.
-JakeTEM, Mod creator
JakeTEM - Creator