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fix: Added missing context in the redirect to /start after logout #114

fix: Added missing context in the redirect to /start after logout

fix: Added missing context in the redirect to /start after logout #114

GitHub Actions / Tests Report (Standalone) succeeded Feb 7, 2025 in 1s

12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/bundles.spec.ts.xml 11✅ 28s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 1✅ 598ms

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/bundles.spec.ts.xml

11 tests were completed in 28s with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Dependencies tool test 1✅ 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool 10✅ 28s

✅ Dependencies tool test

Wait until SAM returns GREEN for medium severity
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Wait until SAM returns GREEN for medium severity

✅ Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool

Test finding module that prevent minor upgrades
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test finding module that prevent minor upgrades
Test invalid regular expression for nameRegExp parameter
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test invalid regular expression for nameRegExp parameter
Test withUnsupportedDependenciesOnly parameter
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test withUnsupportedDependenciesOnly parameter
Test both parameters "supported" and "statuses" can not be used together
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test both parameters "supported" and "statuses" can not be used together
Test "supported" parameter set to true
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test "supported" parameter set to true
Test "supported" parameter set to false
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test "supported" parameter set to false
Test "statuses" parameter set to valid value with result
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test "statuses" parameter set to valid value with result
Test "statuses" parameter set to valid value with no result
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test "statuses" parameter set to valid value with no result
Test "statuses" parameter set to invalid value
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test "statuses" parameter set to invalid value
Test bundle fields are present
  ✅ Dependencies tool test Test deployment of provider module and dependent modules to call the findDependencies tool Test bundle fields are present

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

1 tests were completed in 598ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Shutdown via API - mutation.admin.jahia.shutdown 1✅ 566ms

✅ Shutdown via API - mutation.admin.jahia.shutdown

Shutdown success
  ✅ Shutdown via API - mutation.admin.jahia.shutdown Shutdown success