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PIPELINE-81/PIPELINE-79: Use re-usable workflow for tests and release… #184

PIPELINE-81/PIPELINE-79: Use re-usable workflow for tests and release…

PIPELINE-81/PIPELINE-79: Use re-usable workflow for tests and release… #184

GitHub Actions / Tests Report succeeded Oct 23, 2024 in 0s

164 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/acl/ 7✅ 2s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/acl/ 2✅ 656ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/acl/ 7✅ 4s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 1✅ 260ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 9✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 1✅ 346ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 2✅ 486ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 1✅ 452ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 1✅ 283ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 9✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/ 6✅ 8s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 3✅ 35s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 3✅ 10s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 4✅ 822ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 4✅ 2s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 1✅ 834ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 4✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 9✅ 2s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 8✅ 10s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 1✅ 1s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 6✅ 1s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 1✅ 561ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 3✅ 957ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 13✅ 2s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 3✅ 2s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 3✅ 805ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 9✅ 2s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 3✅ 7s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 2✅ 6s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 1✅ 720ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 12✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 9✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 1✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/ 6✅ 3s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 2✅ 21s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/ 3✅ 7s
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/sdl/ 2✅ 774ms
tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/sdl/ 2✅ 4s

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/acl/

7 tests were completed in 2s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test ACL/ACE query endpoint 7✅ 2s

✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint

Get ACL for node
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Get ACL for node
Mathias has editor role for /sites/digitall/files/images/placeholder.jpg
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Mathias has editor role for /sites/digitall/files/images/placeholder.jpg
Anne has editor-in-chief role for /sites/digitall/files/images/placeholder.jpg
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Anne has editor-in-chief role for /sites/digitall/files/images/placeholder.jpg
Guest user has reader role for /sites/digitall/files/images/placeholder.jpg
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Guest user has reader role for /sites/digitall/files/images/placeholder.jpg
Get ACL for specific for user irina
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Get ACL for specific for user irina
Get ACL for unspecified user
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Get ACL for unspecified user
Get ACL for specific global group
  ✅ Test ACL/ACE query endpoint Get ACL for specific global group

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/acl/

2 tests were completed in 656ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test admin roles query endpoint 2✅ 635ms

✅ Test admin roles query endpoint

gets ACL roles
  ✅ Test admin roles query endpoint gets ACL roles
gets translated labels
  ✅ Test admin roles query endpoint gets translated labels

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/acl/

7 tests were completed in 4s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint 7✅ 4s

✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint

grant role on node
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint grant role on node
remove role on revokeRole operation that has been added on node
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint remove role on revokeRole operation that has been added on node
add DENY on revokeRole operation if node has inherited permissions
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint add DENY on revokeRole operation if node has inherited permissions
remove DENY permission on grantRole operation if user has inherited role
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint remove DENY permission on grantRole operation if user has inherited role
do nothing on grantRole operation if user has inherited role
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint do nothing on grantRole operation if user has inherited role
throws exception when setting role with invalid user
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint throws exception when setting role with invalid user
revoke GRANT permission on parent node
  ✅ Test grant/revoke role mutation on node endpoint revoke GRANT permission on parent node

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

1 tests were completed in 260ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test admin jahia cluster endpoint 1✅ 242ms

✅ Test admin jahia cluster endpoint

Gets cluster details
  ✅ Test admin jahia cluster endpoint Gets cluster details

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

9 tests were completed in 3s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
admin.configuration 9✅ 3s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ admin.configuration

Get flat properties from config
  ✅ admin.configuration Get flat properties from config
Get properties from structured navigation
  ✅ admin.configuration Get properties from structured navigation
Get list of values
  ✅ admin.configuration Get list of values
Get list of objects
  ✅ admin.configuration Get list of objects
Updates a property
  ✅ admin.configuration Updates a property
creates a config
  ✅ admin.configuration creates a config
creates factory configs
  ✅ admin.configuration creates factory configs
creates object value
  ✅ admin.configuration creates object value
creates list values
  ✅ admin.configuration creates list values

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

1 tests were completed in 346ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test admin jahia database endpoint 1✅ 335ms

✅ Test admin jahia database endpoint

Gets database details
  ✅ Test admin jahia database endpoint Gets database details

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

2 tests were completed in 486ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
admin.datetime - Jahia Server time 2✅ 459ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ admin.datetime - Jahia Server time

Get Jahia server current time (as root)
  ✅ admin.datetime - Jahia Server time Get Jahia server current time (as root)
Get Jahia server current time (as guest)
  ✅ admin.datetime - Jahia Server time Get Jahia server current time (as guest)

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

1 tests were completed in 452ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Jobs graphQL endpoint 1✅ 438ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Jobs graphQL endpoint

background job list should not be empty
  ✅ Jobs graphQL endpoint background job list should not be empty

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

1 tests were completed in 283ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test admin jahia cluster endpoint 1✅ 266ms

✅ Test admin jahia cluster endpoint

Gets cluster details
  ✅ Test admin jahia cluster endpoint Gets cluster details

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

9 tests were completed in 3s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test admin user endpoint 9✅ 3s

✅ Test admin user endpoint

gets a user
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint gets a user
gets a non existing user
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint gets a non existing user
gets a user name
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint gets a user name
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint gets a user name
tests membership list
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint tests membership list
tests membership list for a site
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint tests membership list for a site
tests membership list with filter
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint tests membership list with filter
tests members list
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint tests members list
tests members list after adding & removing a site
  ✅ Test admin user endpoint tests members list after adding & removing a site

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/admin/

6 tests were completed in 8s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test admin users endpont 6✅ 8s

✅ Test admin users endpont

gets all users without any filtering
  ✅ Test admin users endpont gets all users without any filtering
gets users based on the name
  ✅ Test admin users endpont gets users based on the name
gets users based on the site and limit them
  ✅ Test admin users endpont gets users based on the site and limit them
gets users based on the organization and limit them
  ✅ Test admin users endpont gets users based on the organization and limit them
gets users based on the site and offset them
  ✅ Test admin users endpont gets users based on the site and offset them
gets users based on the site with huge limit and no offset
  ✅ Test admin users endpont gets users based on the site with huge limit and no offset

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

3 tests were completed in 35s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test for GraphQL schema description 3✅ 35s

✅ Test for GraphQL schema description

Description for all nodes under Query
  ✅ Test for GraphQL schema description Description for all nodes under Query
Description for all nodes under Mutation
  ✅ Test for GraphQL schema description Description for all nodes under Mutation
Description for all nodes under Subscription
  ✅ Test for GraphQL schema description Description for all nodes under Subscription

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

3 tests were completed in 10s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
GraphQL Connections Test 3✅ 10s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ GraphQL Connections Test

should retrieve nodes using offset and limit
  ✅ GraphQL Connections Test should retrieve nodes using offset and limit
should retrieve nodes using cursor
  ✅ GraphQL Connections Test should retrieve nodes using cursor
should return an error when using offset limit and cursor pagination
  ✅ GraphQL Connections Test should return an error when using offset limit and cursor pagination

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

4 tests were completed in 822ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Validate ability get current User 4✅ 812ms

✅ Validate ability get current User

Get Current user for Authenticated user (irina)
  ✅ Validate ability get current User Get Current user for Authenticated user (irina)
Get Current user for Authenticated user (root)
  ✅ Validate ability get current User Get Current user for Authenticated user (root)
Get Current user for Authenticated user (root) with an incorrect password
  ✅ Validate ability get current User Get Current user for Authenticated user (root) with an incorrect password
Get Current user for Authenticated user (root) with an incorrect user
  ✅ Validate ability get current User Get Current user for Authenticated user (root) with an incorrect user

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

4 tests were completed in 2s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test GraphQL Field Sorter 4✅ 2s

✅ Test GraphQL Field Sorter

Should sort display name ASC with case
  ✅ Test GraphQL Field Sorter Should sort display name ASC with case
Should sort display name ASC ignoring case
  ✅ Test GraphQL Field Sorter Should sort display name ASC ignoring case
Should sort display name DESC with case
  ✅ Test GraphQL Field Sorter Should sort display name DESC with case
Should sort display name DESC ignoring case
  ✅ Test GraphQL Field Sorter Should sort display name DESC ignoring case

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

1 tests were completed in 834ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test graphql ordering 1✅ 797ms

✅ Test graphql ordering

Should order by nodeType
  ✅ Test graphql ordering Should order by nodeType

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

4 tests were completed in 3s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test graphql permissions 4✅ 3s

✅ Test graphql permissions

Should get error not retrieve protected node
  ✅ Test graphql permissions Should get error not retrieve protected node
Should retrieve filtered child nodes
  ✅ Test graphql permissions Should retrieve filtered child nodes
Should retrieve filtered descendant
  ✅ Test graphql permissions Should retrieve filtered descendant
Should retrieve filtered references
  ✅ Test graphql permissions Should retrieve filtered references

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

9 tests were completed in 2s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test GraphQL Properties 9✅ 2s

✅ Test GraphQL Properties

Should retrieve property with basic fields
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve property with basic fields
Should retrieve NON internationalized property NOT passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve NON internationalized property NOT passing language
Should retrieve NON internationalized property passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve NON internationalized property passing language
Should NOT retrieve internationalized property NOT passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should NOT retrieve internationalized property NOT passing language
Should retrieve internationalized property passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve internationalized property passing language
Should retrieve NON internationalized properties NOT passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve NON internationalized properties NOT passing language
Should retrieve internationalized and NON internationalized properties passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve internationalized and NON internationalized properties passing language
Should retrieve all properties passing language
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve all properties passing language
Should retrieve multivalued property
  ✅ Test GraphQL Properties Should retrieve multivalued property

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

8 tests were completed in 10s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test graphql rendering 8✅ 10s

✅ Test graphql rendering

Check if node (page) is displayable
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check if node (page) is displayable
Check if node (list) is NOT displayable
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check if node (list) is NOT displayable
Check output of renderedContent for node with richtext
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check output of renderedContent for node with richtext
Check if property renderedValue and renderedValues are populated correctly
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check if property renderedValue and renderedValues are populated correctly
Check if property renderedValue and renderedValues URLs are filtered correctly
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check if property renderedValue and renderedValues URLs are filtered correctly
Check if renderedValue and renderedValues vanityUrls are filtered correctly
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check if renderedValue and renderedValues vanityUrls are filtered correctly
Check if renderedValue and renderedValues macros are filtered correctly
  ✅ Test graphql rendering Check if renderedValue and renderedValues macros are filtered correctly
gets view name from property when rendering
  ✅ Test graphql rendering gets view name from property when rendering

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

1 tests were completed in 1s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test graphql scheduler 1✅ 1s

✅ Test graphql scheduler

test job subscription
  ✅ Test graphql scheduler test job subscription

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

6 tests were completed in 1s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Ancestors graphql test 6✅ 1s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Ancestors graphql test

should retrieve parent
  ✅ Ancestors graphql test should retrieve parent
should retrieve all ancestors
  ✅ Ancestors graphql test should retrieve all ancestors
should ancestors up to path
  ✅ Ancestors graphql test should ancestors up to path
should get error not retrieve ancestors when upToPath is empty
  ✅ Ancestors graphql test should get error not retrieve ancestors when upToPath is empty
should get error not retrieve ancestors when upToPath is not ancestor path
  ✅ Ancestors graphql test should get error not retrieve ancestors when upToPath is not ancestor path
should get error not retrieve ancestors when upToPath Is this node path
  ✅ Ancestors graphql test should get error not retrieve ancestors when upToPath Is this node path

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

1 tests were completed in 561ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test page properties 1✅ 546ms

✅ Test page properties

Get a page by path and verify isHomePage has a boolean value
  ✅ Test page properties Get a page by path and verify isHomePage has a boolean value

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

3 tests were completed in 957ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test field grouping functionality 3✅ 944ms

✅ Test field grouping functionality

should group nodes with grouping type start without sort
  ✅ Test field grouping functionality should group nodes with grouping type start without sort
should group nodes with grouping type end without sort
  ✅ Test field grouping functionality should group nodes with grouping type end without sort
should group nodes with grouping type start with sort
  ✅ Test field grouping functionality should group nodes with grouping type start with sort

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

13 tests were completed in 2s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Get node graphql test 13✅ 2s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Get node graphql test

Get main node
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get main node
Get child node by path
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get child node by path
Get an error when trying to get child node with wrong path
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error when trying to get child node with wrong path
Get an error when trying to get child node in live
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error when trying to get child node in live
Get child nodes by path
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get child nodes by path
Get an error when trying to get child nodes by path with a wrong path
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error when trying to get child nodes by path with a wrong path
Get an error when trying to get child nodes in live
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error when trying to get child nodes in live
Get node by id
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get node by id
Get an error trying to get a node with wrong id
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error trying to get a node with wrong id
Get an error trying to get a node in live
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error trying to get a node in live
Get child nodes by id
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get child nodes by id
Get an error trying to get child nodes with wrong id
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error trying to get child nodes with wrong id
Get an error trying to get child nodes in live
  ✅ Get node graphql test Get an error trying to get child nodes in live

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

3 tests were completed in 2s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Get properties graphql test 3✅ 2s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Get properties graphql test

Get translated node with default language with j:mixLanguage set to true on site
  ✅ Get properties graphql test Get translated node with default language with j:mixLanguage set to true on site
Get node should not have translated value
  ✅ Get properties graphql test Get node should not have translated value
Get node should have translated value with requested language
  ✅ Get properties graphql test Get node should have translated value with requested language

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

3 tests were completed in 805ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
GraphQL Query Test 3✅ 784ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ GraphQL Query Test

Should retrieve nodes by SQL2 query
  ✅ GraphQL Query Test Should retrieve nodes by SQL2 query
Should retrieve nodes by Xpath query
  ✅ GraphQL Query Test Should retrieve nodes by Xpath query
Should get error not retrieve nodes by wrong query
  ✅ GraphQL Query Test Should get error not retrieve nodes by wrong query

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

9 tests were completed in 2s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
GraphQL References Test 9✅ 2s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ GraphQL References Test

should retrieve references
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should retrieve references
should retrieve referenced node by reference
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should retrieve referenced node by reference
should retrieve referenced node by uuid string
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should retrieve referenced node by uuid string
should retrieve referenced node by path string
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should retrieve referenced node by path string
should not retrieve referenced node from property of wrong type
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should not retrieve referenced node from property of wrong type
should not retrieve referenced node by wrong path string
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should not retrieve referenced node by wrong path string
should not retrieve referenced node from multiple valued property
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should not retrieve referenced node from multiple valued property
should retrieve referenced nodes
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should retrieve referenced nodes
should not retrieve referenced nodes from single valued property
  ✅ GraphQL References Test should not retrieve referenced nodes from single valued property

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

3 tests were completed in 7s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test graphql render url generation 3✅ 7s

✅ Test graphql render url generation

Returns correct values for live workspaces
  ✅ Test graphql render url generation Returns correct values for live workspaces
Returns correct values for default workspaces
  ✅ Test graphql render url generation Returns correct values for default workspaces
Returns correct values for nodes which have vanity urls defined
  ✅ Test graphql render url generation Returns correct values for nodes which have vanity urls defined

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

2 tests were completed in 6s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Node locks tests 2✅ 6s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Node locks tests

Should not let user unlock a node that is locked by another user
  ✅ Node locks tests Should not let user unlock a node that is locked by another user
Should let site admins unlock content locked by another user
  ✅ Node locks tests Should let site admins unlock content locked by another user

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

1 tests were completed in 720ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Import content 1✅ 706ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Import content

should reject zip bomb
  ✅ Import content should reject zip bomb

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

12 tests were completed in 3s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Node types graphql test 12✅ 3s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Node types graphql test

Get all node types
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get all node types
Check node type
  ✅ Node types graphql test Check node type
Get node definition
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get node definition
Get property definition
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get property definition
Get property definition with constraints
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get property definition with constraints
Get node type
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get node type
Get node types
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get node types
Get an error with wrong node type name
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get an error with wrong node type name
Get node types from a module
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get node types from a module
Get an error with wrong module name
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get an error with wrong module name
Get mixins
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get mixins
Get included and not excluded node types
  ✅ Node types graphql test Get included and not excluded node types

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

9 tests were completed in 3s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Node validity graphql test 9✅ 3s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Node validity graphql test

[nodeByPath] should not return a node /sites/systemsite/testValidity/visibility
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [nodeByPath] should not return a node /sites/systemsite/testValidity/visibility
[nodeByPath] should not return a node /sites/systemsite/testValidity/unpublished
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [nodeByPath] should not return a node /sites/systemsite/testValidity/unpublished
[nodeByPath] should not return a node /sites/systemsite/testValidity/with-inactive-language
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [nodeByPath] should not return a node /sites/systemsite/testValidity/with-inactive-language
[children] should return only valid nodes in EN
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [children] should return only valid nodes in EN
[children] should return only valid nodes in FR
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [children] should return only valid nodes in FR
[descendants] should return only valid nodes in EN
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [descendants] should return only valid nodes in EN
[descendants] should return only valid nodes in FR
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [descendants] should return only valid nodes in FR
[children] should return only valid nodes in FR and error in EN
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [children] should return only valid nodes in FR and error in EN
[descendants] should return only valid nodes in FR and error in EN
  ✅ Node validity graphql test [descendants] should return only valid nodes in FR and error in EN

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

1 tests were completed in 3s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
WIP test 1✅ 3s

✅ WIP test

should be able to delete wip content
  ✅ WIP test should be able to delete wip content

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/jcr/

6 tests were completed in 3s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
GraphQL Worskspace Test 6✅ 3s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test

should retrieve nodes from default
  ✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test should retrieve nodes from default
should retrieve node from live
  ✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test should retrieve node from live
should retrieve live counterpart of node
  ✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test should retrieve live counterpart of node
should not retrieve live counterpart of node
  ✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test should not retrieve live counterpart of node
should retrieve EDIT workspace fields
  ✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test should retrieve EDIT workspace fields
should retrieve live workspace fields
  ✅ GraphQL Worskspace Test should retrieve live workspace fields

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

2 tests were completed in 21s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Pagination Limit test 2✅ 21s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Pagination Limit test

Finds all descendants nodes
  ✅ Pagination Limit test Finds all descendants nodes
Finds all descendants nodes with limit
  ✅ Pagination Limit test Finds all descendants nodes with limit

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/api/

3 tests were completed in 7s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Test graphql site queries 3✅ 7s

✅ Test graphql site queries

Should be able to read the homePage property when requested as root
  ✅ Test graphql site queries Should be able to read the homePage property when requested as root
Should be able to read the homePage property when requested as authorized user (editor)
  ✅ Test graphql site queries Should be able to read the homePage property when requested as authorized user (editor)
Should not be able to see the homePage field when requested by an unauthorized user
  ✅ Test graphql site queries Should not be able to see the homePage field when requested by an unauthorized user

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/sdl/

2 tests were completed in 774ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
SDL extensions 2✅ 751ms

✅ SDL extensions

should have SDL extensions defined in dxm-provider module
  ✅ SDL extensions should have SDL extensions defined in dxm-provider module
should have SDL extensions defined in extension-examples module
  ✅ SDL extensions should have SDL extensions defined in extension-examples module

✅ tests/artifacts/results/xml_reports/cypress/e2e/sdl/

2 tests were completed in 4s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Node validity graphql test 2✅ 4s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Node validity graphql test

Finds all offers without Relay
  ✅ Node validity graphql test Finds all offers without Relay
Finds first 5 offers with Relay
  ✅ Node validity graphql test Finds first 5 offers with Relay