This repository contains lists of state-or-art instance semantic segmentation works. Papers and resources are listed below according to method types.
- Paper list
- detection based
- segmentation based
Instance semantic segmentation is a area closely related to detection and semantic segmentation. In particular, it could be seen as detection plus foreground mask. But mostly it is not able to segment non-object pixels such as sky, land etc(which considered as a scene parsing task under semantic segmentation). For quick review related topics, see these survey papers:
Speed/accuracy trade-offs for modern convolutional object detectors, CVPR 2017
Survey of recent progress in semantic image segmentation with CNNs, until 201706
Dataset and benchmark here
Dataset | Train | Val | Link | Note |
Pascal VOC 12 Aug | 10582 | 1449 | SegVOC12 | origin train 1464+SDB |
Pascal VOC SDB val | 5623 | 5732 | SDB | similar to VOC12 Main |
COCO | 115k | 5k | COCO | coco_2014_minival |
CityScapes | 5000 | / | CityScapes | evaluation server |
Note: Pascal VOC could refer to different split of dataset. Original VOC12 segmentation task consists of train/val/test 1464/1449/1456 images respectively without instance information. It is designed for semantic segmentation. SDB provides instance-aware annotations for images from Pascal VOC12. And their split(8k/3k) differ from VOC, so another split from them Pasval VOC SDB val is provided, which is similar to Pascal VOC Main split(5717/5823).
PAnet:Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation, CVPR 2018
MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction Features, CVPR 2018
Mask R-CNN, ICCV 2017 [Detectron][Code(TF)][Code(MXNET)]
BlitzNet: A Real-Time Deep Network for Scene Understanding, ICCV 2017 [web][code]
FCIS: Fully Convolutional Instance-Aware Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2017 [code]
FastMask: Segment Multi-scale Object Candidates in One Shot, CVPR 2017 [code]
MNC: Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task Network Cascades, CVPR 2016 [code]
DeepMask: Learning to Segment Object Candidates, NIPS 2015 [code]
SGN: Sequential Grouping Networks for Instance Segmentation, ICCV 2017
InstanceCut: from Edges to Instances with MultiCut,CVPR 2017
Pixelwise Instance Segmentation with a Dynamically Instantiated Network, CVPR 2017
Deep Watershed Transform for Instance Segmentation, CVPR 2017 [code]
Multi-scale Patch Aggregation (MPA) for Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation, CVPR 2016
End-to-End Instance Segmentation with Recurrent Attention, CVPR 2017
Recurrent Instance Segmentation, ECCV 2016 [web]
SDS:Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation, ECCV 2014 [web] [code]
Hypercolumns for Object Segmentation and Fine-grained Localization , CVPR 2015