SportSee is a startup dedicated to sport coaching. The company is about to launch a new release of the user profile page. This page will allow the user to follow up several metrics, among them calories, glucids, lipids, the activity performed and the sessions duration average. I am in charge of this new page design
- FIGMA models for Desktop et Mobile
- UserStories Kanban
- Visual Studio Code V1.71
- Node V14.17
- React Create App
- React V1.8 (Router V6.3)
- Recharts V2.1
- ESlint Linter
- Prettier Code formater
- JSDoc V3.6
- Styled-Components
- P42 code analyser
clone this repo
to install the frontend
to run the frontend. A message will warn you that port 3000 is already in use and asks if you want to use another one. Then type the key 'y' to accept. A browser window then opens so that you can access the app
JSDoc is available in jsdoc directory. Launch index.html (located in jsdoc directory) to vizualize the code documentation.
A boolean named 'MOCKED_DATA' is defined in /src/utils/api.jsx. If set to true, mocked data is chosen, if set to false, API data is chosen. Note the current value is displayed in Home page, bottom right of screen.