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AlgST is an implementation of Parameterized Algebraic Protocols by Mordido et al. It includes a typechecker, interpreter and a simple module system. You can find the artifact in the pldi23-artifact branch.


Building is supported either in a Docker container or using the stack build tool.

Docker Container

  • Prerequisits: Docker, e.g. via Docker Desktop

  • Building:

    ; docker build -t proglang/algst -f utils/Dockerfile .

    Building takes about 10 minutes on my machine.

  • Testing:

    ; docker run --rm -it proglang/algst stack test

    This will run the test suite covering the parser, type checker and interpreter.

  • Running: To run algst prefix the invocations given below with

    ; docker run --rm -it proglang/algst  # command follows here...

    To verify that running algst works execute

    ; docker run --rm -it proglang/algst algst --help


  • Prerequisits: stack, installation instructions are provided on the linked page.

  • Building:

    ; stack build

    This command will download and install the required version of GHC, build the dependencies and finally the algst executable.

  • Testing:

    ; stack test

    The command will compile and execute the test suite covering the parser, type checker and interpreter.

  • Running: To run algst prefix the invocations given below with

    ; stack exec --  # command follows here...

    To verify that running algst works execute

    ; stack exec -- algst --help


A file can be checked by giving its path as an argument; to read input from the terminal give - as the path.

When the flag --run is given the main symbol will be executed and the result printed.

Querying the typechecker is possible with the flags

Flag Description
--nf TYPE calculate the normal form for TYPE
--kind,-K TYPE perform kind synthesis for TYPE
--type,-T EXPR perform type synthesis for EXPR

Full usage info is available with --help.


; algst - --run --type 'fork main' --nf 'dual ?-Int.End!' <<EOF
main : Int
main = 10 + 20



--type fork number

--nf dual ?-Int.End!

Result: Number 30

AlgST Language

Recursive expressions

  • rec x : T = e

    Evaluates to the expression e with x naming the recursive expression in its body. Giving a type T is obligatory and must be a function type. e itself must be a lambda abstraction.

  • let rec x : T = e1 in e2

    Is similar to the version above. Additionally the recursive function e1 is also visible to e2 under the same name x.

Session operations

  • new [T] : (T, dual T)

    The new expression creates a pair of connected channels. It must be used with a type application.

  • send : forall (a:TU) (s:SL). a -> !a.s -> s

    Sends an unrestricted message type over the provided channel.

    send exists as a convenience version of sendLin. See sendLin for an explanation.

  • sendLin : forall (a:TL) (s:SL). a -> !a.s -o s

    Sends any message type over the provided channel.

    If used with unrestricted data (e.g. Int) the partially applied function (e.g. sendLin [Int] 1) is linear, i.e. must be called exactly once. By using send instead the same partial application send [Int] 1 results in an unrestricted function which may be called any number of times.

  • receive : forall (a:TL) (s:SL). ?a.s -> (a, s)

    Receives any message type from the provided channel.

Concurrency Primitives

  • fork : forall (a:TL). a -> ?a.End?

    fork e evaluates expression e in a new thread. In the parent context it evaluates to a single element channel from which the result can be read once it becomes available.

    A type application is not necessary.

  • fork_ : forall (a:TU). a -> ()

    fork_ e evaluates expression e in a new thread and discards the result value. In the parent context fork_ e evaluates to the unit value ().

    A type application is not necessary.

  • usleep : Int -> ()

    Delays execution for the given number of microseconds.


  • trace : forall (a:TL). a -> a

    Prints a description of the given value to the screen.

  • traceMsg : String -> ()

    Prints the given message to the screen.


For demonstration purposes consider a module Data.List with the following contents:

data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil

single : forall a. a -> List a
single [a] a = Cons [a] a (Nil [a])

By importing a module all its top level symbols and associated constructors become available to the importing module. An import list can be used to modify the set of imported symbols.

  1. Import all symbols:

    import Data.List
  2. Import only specific symbols:

    import Data.List (type List, Nil, single)

    The above statement imports all symbols from Data.List except the Cons constructor.

    Type names have to be prefied with the type keyword.

  3. Import symbols under a new name:

    import Data.List (type List as ConsList, single as singleton)
    import Data.List (*, type List as ConsList, single as singleton)

    The first statement imports the List type under the name ConsList and the single function is made available under the name singleton.

    The second statement (note the leading *) applies the same renamings but additionally imports the remaining symbols under their given name.

    Type names have to be prefied with the type keyword.

  4. Import all symbols except the given identifiers:

    import Data.List (*, type List as _, Cons as _, single as _)

    The above statement imports only the Nil constructor as all other symbols are hidden. Note the leading * in the import list.

    Hiding and renaming symbols can be combined freely.

Re-exporting symbols is currently not supported. Neither is it possible to control which top-level symbols can be imported by other modules.

A module name A.B.C maps to a file A/B/C.algst in the module search path.

Without any additional arguments algst will search for modules in the current working directory. With -I,--search-dir DIR other directories can be specified.

Editor Support

The directory utils/vim contains syntax files for highlighting in vim.


Parser and Typechecker for Algebraic Session Types





