PUIC Presentation (May 2013) (with PUIC installed, available in
) -
PUIC Local Migration Supoprt (Dec 2014) (with PUIC installed, available in
See item 9 here
PUIC Installable Resource
Maven group=gov.nasa.jpl.cae.magicdraw.plugins Maven name=cae_md18_0_sp5_puic_2.11
PUIC Package Bundle
Maven group=gov.nasa.jpl.cae.magicdraw.packages Maven nameA=cae_md18_0_sp5_puic_2.11
- Download the PUIC installable resource
- Start MD: cae.md.aspectj_scala
- MD install the PUIC resource
- Restart MD
- Download the PUIC package bundle
- Start MD: cae.md18_0sp5.puic
Perform the following tests with 1.1 and 1.2 above.
- PUIC toolbar should be visible by default
- MD Option | Environment should have PUIC properties
- Configure the PUIC 'dot' location
Make sure the PUIC toolbar ON/OFF button is "ON"
<md.install.dir>/samples/SysML/Introduction to SysML.mdzip
Check that the PUIC is RED.
Check that the PUIC profile is not mounted.
Check the
shows something like this:2016-01-21 17:28:11,096 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR PLUGINS - CAE Project Usage Integrity Checker - Error - ProjectUsage graph is invalid Project classification: project (private data; nothing shared) 'Introduction to SysML' SSCAEProjectUsageGraph(Vertices=14, Edges=24, Diagrams=59) OK: no illegal teamwork transactions detected ERROR: this project should have the System/Standard Profile flag set OK: no local modules with teamwork project IDs ERROR: this project is missing 3 direct ProjectUsage mount attachments OK: no unresolved ProjectUsage relationships OK: no proxies detected OK: all projects are available OK: all local projects have SSP flag OK: all projects have no missing shares ERROR: 1 projects used from MD's install folder do not have the Standard/System Profile flag set WARNING: 1 SSP profiles have non-unique names OK: all user profiles have unique names OK: all profiles have unique URIs OK: all packages have unique URIs OK: project usage mount relationships are acyclic ERROR: 13 project usage mount relationships are inconsistent ERROR: 3 projects are used inconsistently ERROR: 10 project usage mount relationships are invalid OK: all shared package usage constraints are consistent OK: all modules & project have consistent shared package classifications
Check that there is no MD validation window open with any PUIC validation errors (because there is no PUIC profile!)
Make sure the PUIC toolbar ON/OFF button is "ON"
Check that the PUIC is RED.
Click the PUIC Status button.
Check the
shows something like this:2016-01-21 17:32:10,446 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR PLUGINS - CAE Project Usage Integrity Checker - Error - ProjectUsage graph is invalid Project classification: project/module hybrid (private data; shared packages) 'INCONSISTENT' SSCAEProjectUsageGraph(Vertices=3, Edges=2, Diagrams=3) OK: no illegal teamwork transactions detected OK: no local modules with teamwork project IDs OK: no missing direct ProjectUsage mount attachments OK: no unresolved ProjectUsage relationships OK: no proxies detected OK: all projects are available OK: all local projects have SSP flag OK: all projects have no missing shares OK: all local projects used from MD's install folder have the Standard/System Profile flag set OK: all SSP profiles have unique names OK: all user profiles have unique names OK: all profiles have unique URIs OK: all packages have unique URIs OK: project usage mount relationships are acyclic OK: project usage mount relationships are consistent OK: all projects are used consistently OK: project usage mount relationships are valid OK: all shared package usage constraints are consistent OK: all DEPRECATED shared packages are used consistently ERROR: 1 modules/project with shared packages inconsistently classified
Check that the MD Message Window shows something like this:
[2016.01.21::17:32:08] = Project: file:.../cae.md18_0sp5.puic-<version>/samples/ProjectUsageIntegrityChecker/INCONSISTENT.mdzip ========================================== [2016.01.21::17:32:08] ERROR: 1 modules/project with INCONSISTENT shared packages classifications [2016.01.21::17:32:08] => P3 is inconsistently classified within module/project 'INCONSISTENT' [2016.01.21::17:32:08] => P2 is inconsistently classified within module/project 'INCONSISTENT' [2016.01.21::17:32:08] => P1 is inconsistently classified within module/project 'INCONSISTENT' [2016.01.21::17:32:08] ===========================================
Check that there is an MD validation window titled: "SSCAE ProjectUsage Validation Results"
Check that there is exactly 1 validation error: "Apply <> to 'Data'"
Make sure the PUIC toolbar ON/OFF button is "ON"
Check that the PUIC is Green.
Click the PUIC Status button.
Check the
shows something like this:2016-01-21 17:42:34,176 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO PLUGINS - CAE Project Usage Integrity Checker - OK - ProjectUsage graph is valid Project classification: project (private data; nothing shared) 'Supplier-Client-Example' SSCAEProjectUsageGraph(Vertices=3, Edges=2, Diagrams=8) OK: no illegal teamwork transactions detected OK: no local modules with teamwork project IDs OK: no missing direct ProjectUsage mount attachments OK: no unresolved ProjectUsage relationships OK: no proxies detected OK: all projects are available OK: all local projects have SSP flag OK: all projects have no missing shares OK: all local projects used from MD's install folder have the Standard/System Profile flag set OK: all SSP profiles have unique names OK: all user profiles have unique names OK: all profiles have unique URIs OK: all packages have unique URIs OK: project usage mount relationships are acyclic OK: project usage mount relationships are consistent OK: all projects are used consistently OK: project usage mount relationships are valid OK: all shared package usage constraints are consistent OK: all modules & project have consistent shared package classifications
Check that the MD Message Window shows something like this:
[2016.01.21::17:42:34] = Project: file:.../samples/ProjectUsageIntegrityChecker/Supplier-Client-Example.mdzip ========================================== [2016.01.21::17:42:34] =========================================
Check that there is no MD validation window titled: "SSCAE ProjectUsage Validation Results"