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201_Automated Scripts

Luke Yang edited this page May 20, 2023 · 4 revisions



The scripts may not run successfully since VPSs are configured in specific ways at JMA Consulting. For example, certain steps will cat a root password stored in a text file somewhere on the VPS since it was configured to automatically generate using another Ansible playbook. If you would like to use these scripts, you will have to take the time to make adjustments to certain lines of the playbook to suit your own VPS configuration.


This page provides instructions for configuring everything for civipress using ansible. Note 1: there will still be manual intevention at times. Note 2: Even though each new step indicates shelling into the server, it is not nessecary often as you can continue on a previously open terminal that is already shelled into the server. The goal is to provide ease of understanding if a specific portion needs to be configured or changed in contrast from going through start to finish.

Example Values

The following values will be used for the examples:

Parameter Value
User on VPS servers luke
Vault active server
Vault standby server
Vault standby server
Primary Percona Server
Secondary Percona Server
CiviPress Front-End Server


This example uses servers on the same bare metal machine but in order to achieve high availability and failover, each of the individual components need to be spread over several different bare metal machines. Consider the following example:

Vault Active: Vault Standy A: Vault Standby B:

Percona Primary: Percona Secondary:

Front end:

Notice that a Vault or Percona server is never found with another Vault or Percona server on the same bare metal server. If a bare metal server fails, the infrastructure will continue to function.


  • 6 VPS's configured

Main Documentation

Clone the repository from here

1. Vault Servers

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [active_vault_server] ./vault.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# certbot email

# Follow the prompts on the terminal after the script is finished

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./vault.yml -i production -K

- [email protected]

Repeat step 1 for the other two vault servers, following the second set of instructions prompted at the end of the script

2. Percona Servers

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./percona_1.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# certbot email
# percona server number (1, 2, etc)
# server of the active vault instance

# Follow the prompts on the terminal after the script is finished

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_1.yml -i production -K

Enter cerbot email: [email protected]
Enter Percona Server Number (int): 1
Only for secondary servers: Enter Primary Percona Root Password (cat /root/.mysql.root on Primary Percona server): 
Enter host and domain of active vault server:

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./percona_2.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# percona server number (1, 2, etc)
# server of the active vault instance

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_2.yml -i production -K

- 2

Repeat step 2 for the secondary percona server

3. Percona Replication

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./percona_replication_primary.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# secondary percona server

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_replication_primary.yml -i production -K


Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [secondary_percona_server] ./percona_replication_secondary.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# primary percona server
# percona replication user password (sudo cat /root/.mysql.repl on primary server))

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_replication_secondary.yml -i production -K

- password

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./start_replication.yml -i production -K

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./start_replication.yml -i production -K

4. Front-end

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./front_end_1.yml -i production -K

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./front_end_1.yml -i production -K

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [front_end_server] ./front_end_1.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# certbot email
# primary percona server
# primary percona host
# secondary percona server
# proxysql monitor user (cat /root/.mysql.proxy_monitor on the primary percona server)
# orchestrator topolgy user password (cat /root/.mysql.orch on the primary percona server)
# wordpress database name
# wordpress user
# civicrm database name
# civicrm user
# wp_user password (cat /root/.mysql.wp_user on the primary percona server)
# crm_user password (cat /root/.mysql.crm_user on the primary percona server)

# Follow the prompts on the terminal after the script is finished

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./front_end_2.yml -i production -K

- [email protected]
- d4
- password
- password
- wp_db
- wp_user
- crm_db
- crm_user
- password
- password

5. Scaling Percona Servers

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [third_percona_server] ./percona_1.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# certbot email
# percona server number (1, 2, etc)
# server of the active vault instance

# Follow the prompts on the terminal after the script is finished

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_1.yml -i production -K

- [email protected]
- 3

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [third_percona_server] ./percona_2.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# percona server number (1, 2, etc)
# server of the active vault instance

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_2.yml -i production -K

- 3

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./percona_replication_primary.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# third percona server

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_replication_primary.yml -i production -K


Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [third_percona_server] ./percona_replication_secondary.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# primary percona server
# percona replication user password (sudo cat /root/.mysql.repl on primary server))

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./percona_replication_secondary.yml -i production -K

- password

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./start_replication.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# primary percona server
# percona replication user password (sudo cat /root/.mysql.repl on primary server))

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./start_replication.yml -i production -K

- password

6a. Front-End Instance (Aegir)

Follow the steps in the link below to setup a front-end aegir instance. Proceed to steps 6b and onwards for a regular WordPress + CiviCRM instance connected to the CiviPress infrastructure. For JMA, we likely will never use steps 6b and onwards.

Aegir Front End

STOP HERE AT THIS STEP. All the proceeding steps are useful to have documented, but will likely not be used by JMA consulting in favour of using Aegir for front end bulk hosting.

6b. New front-end instance (Regular WordPress + CiviCRM)

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [primary_percona_server] ./front_end_1.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# wordpress database name
# wordpress user
# civicrm database name
# civicrm user
# front end server

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./front_end_1.yml -i production -K

- acornwp_db
- acornwp_user
- acorncrm_db
- acorncrm_user

Identity: Local Machine, Terminal

# navigate to ansible script root directory
$ ansible-playbook -l [front_end_server] ./front_end_1.yml -i production -K

# enter the following:
# certbot email
# primary percona server
# primary percona host
# proxysql monitor user (cat /root/.mysql.proxy_monitor on the primary percona server)
# orchestrator topolgy user password (cat /root/.mysql.orch on the primary percona server)
# wordpress database name
# wordpress user
# civicrm database name
# civicrm user
# wp_user password (cat /root/.mysql.wp_user on the primary percona server)
# crm_user password (cat /root/.mysql.crm_user on the primary percona server)

# Follow the prompts on the terminal after the script is finished

# ===== example ===== #
$ ansible-playbook -l ./front_end_2.yml -i production -K

- [email protected]
- d4
- password
- password
- acornwp_db
- acornwp_user
- acorncrm_db
- acorncrm_user
- password
- password

7. Final steps