This tutorial is based on Jupyter Notebooks. Jupyter Notebook is a web-based Python development environment allowing you to combine documentation (markdown), code, and their results) into a single document. This follows a similar idea as Mathematica.
JupyterLab is a web-based interactive development environment for Jupyter notebooks that adds a number of quality of life additions to working with notebooks.
Deploying Jupyter Notebooks is easy. provides you with a free service that turns a Github repository into a collection of interactive notebooks that are accessible online.
By default, Binder will start a Jupyter Notebook environment. You can switch to JuypterLab by appending ?urlpath=lab
to the URL.
To launch a JupyterLab environment for this tutorial, go to:
MyBinder installs the dependencies specified inside of the environment.yml
for you. We also add an extension to JupyterLab in the postBuild
script file.
In this example, we use Anaconda and Python 3.
Download the Individual/Open Source Edition of Anaconda from:
Anaconda is a package distribution that contains the Conda package manager, but also a bunch of other frequently used packages,.
We use different frameworks/libraries in this tutorial:
- Numpy and Pandas for data manipulation
- Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Altair for visualization
- Scikit-learn for simple machine learning
Conda Environments
Best practice is to create an environment per project.
Some commands to manage environments from:
conda create --name test_env python ... create a python environment named test_env
conda create --name jupyter_env jupyter python ... create a python environment named jupyter_env with package jupyter
conda activate test_env ... activate environment test_env
conda env list ... list all environments
conda list ... list all packages available in environment (!= packages shipped with anaconda)
conda install numpy ... install an additional package
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt ... install packages listed in a requirements file
python -m pip install <package> ... install a package not aviailable via conda, also see (†)
conda deactivate ... leave conda enviroment
conda env remove --name test_env ... remove an environment from disk
† See this article on why you should prefer python -m pip
over pip
Checkout this repo and change into the folder:
git clone
cd python-visualization-tutorial/
Load the conda environment from the shared environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the loaded conda environment:
conda activate python-tutorial
Install Jupyter Lab extension for ipywidgets:
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
Launch JupyterLab:
jupyter lab
Jupyter should open a new tab with url http://localhost:8888/ and display the tutorial files.