This code is based on the paper Slow Flow: Exploiting High-Speed Cameras for Accurate and Diverse Optical Flow Reference Data.
The high speed flow code (slow_flow) is based on EpicFlow v1.00. We extended it to reason over multiple frames and occlusions. The extended code is included and for details on the original code we refer to the paper by Revaud et al. EpicFlow: Edge-Preserving Interpolation of Correspondences for Optical Flow and the project webpage
We provide two teaser sequences to run our code. We are working on publishing the complete high speed datasets used in the project.
Eigen3, Boost, Atlas, Blas, Lapack, Flann, GSL, PNG and JPEG
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev libatlas-base-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libflann-dev libgsl-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev
Download and install opencv2.4
Download SED for edges
Download Piotr Dollar's toolbox
Download Deep Matching
(Optional: using coarse-to-fine by setting ‘deep_matching’ to 0 and ‘slow_flow_layers’ larger than 1)
Download flow-code from Middlebury OF dataset and compile ImageLib
Download gco-v3.0 library (Multi-label optimization)
Download the tree-reweighted message passing algorithm (v1.3)
(You might need to modify and change "template ..." to "template class ...")
(Optional) Download Gunturk-Altunbasak-Mersereau Alternating Projections Image Demosaicking
By setting ‘raw_demosaicing’ to 1 in the configuration file, uncommenting line 25 and 26 in configuration.h and uncommenting line 13 in CMakeLists.txt
CMakeLists.txt (lines 10-13)
configuration.h (lines 20-25)
matlab/detect_edges.m (lines 3-5)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
./adaptiveFR -path [path] -folder [folder]
Examples for our teaser_sequences:
./adaptiveFR -path '[path to teaser]/sequence/' -folder 'sheeps' -raw
./adaptiveFR -path '[path to teaser]/sequence/' -folder 'ambush_2' -format 'out_%i_%03i.png' -start 491 -sintel
./slow_flow [slow flow cfg file]
An example configuration file is provided in "cfgs".
-jet compute the flow for one specified high speed pair
-fr using adaptive frame rate compute flow for 0: high frame rate, 1: low frame rate
-resume resume processing configuration file
-deep_settings specify settings for deep matching
./dense_tracking [dense tracking cfg file]
-select compute the flow for one specific final image pair
-resume resume processing configuration file
An example configuration file is provided in "cfgs".
If you use our code, please cite our paper:
author = {Joel Janai and Fatma Güney and Jonas Wulff and Michael Black and Andreas Geiger},
title = {Slow Flow: Exploiting High-Speed Cameras for Accurate and Diverse Optical Flow Reference Data},
booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2017}