Cassanova is an object modeler for Cassandra CQL.
- Ability to create models that are mapped to and validated against table schemas
- The ability to create queries using chained methods
- Almost all Cassandra data types are supported
- Unit tested against Cassandra
- CQL utility for executing cql files
First install node.js and cassandra. Then:
git clone
cd cassanova
npm install
var Cassanova = require('cassanova'),
table = Cassanova.Table("users", Cassanova.Schema({
id : Cassanova.SchemaType.UUID().PRIMARY_KEY(),
username : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
UserModel = Cassanova.Model("userModel", table),
myUserModel = new UserModel();{id:"80398220-e461-11e3-ac10-0800200c9a66", username:"jeboothjr"}, function(err, result){
A client is created as follows. Internally, the driver manages connections to Cassandra. options.hosts
, options.port
and options.keyspace
are required. For additional options, please refer to the driver documentation : nodejs-driver
var Cassanova = require('cassanova'),
options = {
hosts: ['localhost'], /* An array of hosts */
keyspace: "cassanova_ks", /* The keyspace to use. */
username: "", /* optional, the username for cassandra */
password: "", /* optional, the password for cassandra */
skipSchemaValidation: true /* optional, defaults to false. Bypasses schema validation */
Cassanova.connect([options], callback)
Creating a connection is as follows. This is not necessary as the driver will automatically connect when a query is executed. If you do not create a client first, you can optional pass in the same options as you would when creating a client and one will be automatically created for you. If options are used, options.hosts
, options.port
and options.keyspace
are required.
var Cassanova = require('cassanova');
hosts : ['localhost'],
port : 9042,
keyspace : 'cassanova_ks'
},function(error, success){
Returns a Boolean as to whether or not the client is connected.
Disconnnects the client from the pool. The optional callback
will be executed when the client is disconnected.
The events from the driver are bubbled up through to Cassanova. Following that pattern, the level being passed to the listener can be info
or error
Cassanova.on('log', function(level, message) {
console.log(level, message);
Assigns primary keys for the Schema. keys
can be either a String, Array or Multi-Dimensional Array containing matching column names.
When attached to another SchemaType as in Cassanova.SchemaType.UUID().PRIMARY_KEY()
, no arguments are used. The schema types contain validation, although not all of the validation is complete or is simple as of right now.
new Cassanova.Schema(obj)
Creates a Cassanova Schema, where obj
refers to an object that contains key/value pairs of the column names and data types.
var userTablechema = Cassanova.Schema({
id : Cassanova.SchemaType.UUID().PRIMARY_KEY(),
username : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
new Cassanova.Table(name, schema)
Creates a Cassanova Table, where name
refers to the actual table name in Cassandra and schema
is a Cassanova.Schema.
A table defines the schema to be associated with the model. The table is validated to ensure that all of the type are set appropriately and that a PRIMARY KEY has been set correctly. Schema types are used to validate against the actual data in the model. Composite and partition keys are supported..
var Cassanova = require('cassanova'),
userTablechema = Cassanova.Schema({
id : Cassanova.SchemaType.UUID().PRIMARY_KEY(),
username : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
userTable = Cassanova.Table("users", userTablechema),
infoTableSchema = Cassanova,Schema({
id : Cassanova.SchemaType.UUID(),
email : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
username : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
PRIMARY_KEY: Schema.Type.PRIMARY_KEY([["id", "email"], "username"])
infoTable = Cassanova.Table("info", infoTableSchema);
new Cassanova.Model(name, table)
Creates a Cassanova Model where name
is a unique identifier to retreive the model from Cassanova and table
is a Cassanova.Table.
A model requires a table to be associated with it when it is being defined. When creating the model, the first argument must be unique and refers to the name of the model which you can use to retrieve it.
var schema = Cassanova.Schema({
id : Cassanova.SchemaType.UUID(),
email : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
username : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
table = Cassanova.Table("user", schema),
UserModel = Cassanova.model("userModel", table);
Once a model is created you can access via the same way, without requiring the table. An error will br thrown if you attempt to overwrite a model with a new table.
var myUserModel = new Cassanova.model("userModel")();{id:'71c20c30-e461-11e3-ac10-0800200c9a66', firstname:"James", lastname:"Booth"}, function(err, result){
By default, a model has the following methods: find
, save
, findAllBy
, delete
and CQL
var myUserModel = new Cassanova.model("userModel")();
userModel.find({id,'71c20c30-e461-11e3-ac10-0800200c9a66'}, function(err, result){});{id:'71c20c30-e461-11e3-ac10-0800200c9a66', username:"jeboothjr"}, function(err, result){});
userModel.findAllBy('username','James', function(err, result){});
userModel.delete({id,'71c20c30-e461-11e3-ac10-0800200c9a66'}, function(err, result){});
userModel.CQL('SELECT * FROM users', function(err, result){});
You can create separate model files, if needed, and customise your queries.
var Cassanova = require('cassanova'),
userInfoSchema = new Cassanova.Schema({
userid : Cassanova.SchemaType.TIMEUUID(),
info_date : Cassanova.SchemaType.TIMESTAMP(),
info : Cassanova.SchemaType.TEXT(),
PRIMARY_KEY : Cassanova.SchemaType.PRIMARY_KEY(["userid", "attempt_date"])
userInfoTable = Cassanova.Table("user_by_info", userInfoSchema),
infoModel = Cassanova.Model("userAuthLogModel", userInfoTable);
infoModel.prototype.getRecentInfo = function(id, count, callback){
var query = this.Query();
query.SELECT("*").WHERE_EQUALS("userid", id).ORDER_BY("info_date", true).LIMIT(count);
return query;
new Cassanova.Query(client, table, [query])
Creates a Cassanova Query where client
is a Cassanova.client, table
is a Cassanova.Table to which the queries will be made and 'query' is an optional raw CQL string. If the raw string is included, you have the ability to chain off of that raw CQL.
var query = new Query(Cassanova.Client, Cassanova.Table("users"), "SELECT * FROM users");
query.WHERE().EQUALS("location", "california").execute(function(err, result){ });
There are a variety of ways that queries can be executed.
As seen in some of the earlier examples, the model contains a CQL method where you can execute a raw CQL statement.
userModel.CQL('SELECT * FROM users', function(err, result){});
The model also contains a query object by which raw or chained CQL can be executed.
infoModel.prototype.getRecentInfo = function(id, count, callback){
this.query.SELECT("*").WHERE_EQUALS("userid", id).ORDER_BY("info_date", true).LIMIT(count).execute(callback);
infoModel.Query().SELECT("*").WHERE_EQUALS("userid", "71c20c30-e461-11e3-ac10-0800200c9a66").ORDER_BY("info_date", true).LIMIT(count).execute(function(err, result){ });
Complex queries can be done against the model by chaining the cql methods together.
personModel.find({firstname:"John"}).AND().EQUALS("age", 37).execute(function(err, result){});
personModel.find({lastname:"Doe"}).ORDER_BY("join_date", true).LIMIT(10).execute(function(err, result){});
Below is a list of the supported CQL query clauses and predicates. Bold indicates the output when that method is called.
Takes the current value of the query and creates a new query using that as base.
Clears the query value.
Executes the CQL statement.
Sets the base of the CQL statement to the value of cql_str
Below are the supported chainable query methods, showing the resulting string from each.
//.SELECT(selector) - Chainable.
//.INSERT(obj) - Chainable.
INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname) VALUES ('james', 'booth');
//.DELETE(selector) - Chainable.
DELETE firstname, lastname FROM users;
//.WHERE() - Chainable.
//.WHERE_EQUALS(key, value) - Chainable.
WHERE firstname = 'james';
//.EQUALS(key, value)` - Chainable.
firstname = 'james'
//.AND() - Chainable.
//.GT(key, value) - Chainable.
age > 21
//.GTE(key, value) - Chainable.
age >= 21
//.LT(key, value) - Chainable.
age < 21
//.LTE(key, value) - Chainable.
age <= 21
//.IN(options) - Chainable. A single value or an Array of values.
IN (123, 456);
//.LIMIT(value) - Chainable.
//.ALLOW_FILTERING() - Chainable.
//.ORDER_BY(column, doDescend) - Chainable.
//.USING_TTL(duration) - Chainable.
//.USING_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) - Chainable.
USING TIMESTAMP 1405446044378
//.COUNT(value, [doChain]) - Optionally Chainable.
//.COLUMN_TOKEN(columnName, [doChain]) - Optionally Chainable.
//.VALUE_TOKEN(value, [doChain]) - Optionally Chainable.
//.AS(key, alias, [doChain]) - Optionally Chainable.
userid AS id
Addition information regarding the methods below can be found in the node-cassandra-cql driver documentation.
Cassanova.execute(query, [options], callback)
query is a Cassanova.Query
object, options
current supports consistency
where the value is one of Cassanova.consistencies
Cassanova.executeAsPrepared(query, [options], callback)
query is a Cassanova.Query
object, options
current supports consistency
where the value is one of Cassanova.consistencies
Cassanova.executeBatch(queries, [options], callback)
query is a Cassanova.Query
object, options
current supports consistency
where the value is one of Cassanova.consistencies
Cassanova.executeEachRow(query, [options], rowCallback, endCallback)
is a Cassanova.Query object, options
current supports consistency
where the value is one of Cassanova.consistencies
. rowCallback(n, row) is called for each row as soon as the first chunk of the last field is received, where n is the index of the row. endCallback(err, rowLength) is called when all rows have been received or there is an error retrieving the row.
This method is DEPRECATED. It has been removed from the offical driver. The current functionality is identical to executeEachRow
Cassanova.executeStreamField(query, [options], rowCallback, [endCallback])
is a Cassanova.Query object, options
current supports consistency
where the value is one of Cassanova.consistencies
. rowCallback(n, row, streamField) is called for each row as soon as the first chunk of the last field is received, where n is the index of the row. endCallback(err, rowLength) is called when all rows have been received or there is an error retrieving the row.
Cassanova.executeStream(query, [options], [callback])
query is a Cassanova.Query
object, options
current supports consistency
where the value is one of Cassanova.consistencies
The consistencies used for queries. Defaults to quorum.
In the root of the repo is a file, CQL.js, which is a command-line utility to run scripts against the database. Instructions can be found by running the following :
node CQL --help
The validation on some of the data types is simplistic or non-existent (list, map, set). These need to be fleshed out.
The may be some functionality in the driver that was overlooked.
Not every CQL command has been implemented.
I was using this to debug and experiment around, so I left it in. Below is some simple usage. You can also start the repl in --debug or --debug-brk and step through any of the code.
Take a look at the test/EndToEndTest.js file. There are a lot of examples in there.
//Create the keyspace in Cassandra first:
//CREATE KEYSPACE cassanova WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
$ node repl
$ var opts = {
"hosts" : ["localhost"],
"port" : 9042
"keyspace" : "cassanova"
$ Cassanova.connect(opts, function(err, result){
console.log(err || "Connected");
$ var q = Cassanova.Query().CQL("SELECT * FROM system.local;");
q.execute(function(err, result){
cassanova is distributed under the MIT license.
Feel free to join in and support the project!
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