This is a solution to the Entertainment web app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic project.
I picked this challenge after a spat of professional boredom and I wanted to knock something out real quick as cleanly as I could. The challenge itself is pretty straightforward but I had two main struggles/learning curves: building a horizontal slider (I've never had to before) and trying to handle all data and events in a reactive fashion instead of an imperative one.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Navigate between Home, Movies, TV Series, and Bookmarked Shows pages
- Add/Remove bookmarks from all movies and TV series
- Search for relevant shows on all pages
- Solution URL: GitHub
- Live Site URL: GitHub Pages
For large projects like these I always build a "Kitchen Sink" page with all the design elements on a single page. I try to organize my styles from an Atomic Design perspective (ie: atoms -> elements -> molecules -> pages), but it doesnt always translate well into my projects.
I organize my code into a couple of main "buckets":
: contains anything that is routable. These are lazy loaded modules./shared
: contains any reusable components found on (potentially) multiple pages./styles
: contains any global styles, mixes, variables, etc.
My first challenge was the horizontal scroll for the Trending section. I've never had to build one so it was a neat challenge to figure it out. I have a media-container
component that renders one or more media-card
components. I reused this component for the static grid and for the horizontal scrolling.
Implementing a simple scroll on the X coordinates was a simple bit of CSS, but programmatically scrolling the next set of cards into view was wholly different.
Heres the relevent code from media-container.component.ts
@ViewChildren('mediaCard', { read: ElementRef })
private mediaCards!: QueryList<ElementRef>;
public scrollContainer(scrollToDirection: 'left'|'right') {
const docWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
let toLeft = 0;
let toRight = 0;
let onScreen = 0;
this.mediaCards.forEach(card => {
const cardRect = card.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// count how many are off screen to the left
if (cardRect.left < 0) {
// count how many are on the screen
} else if (cardRect.right < docWidth) {
// count number of cards to the right
} else if (cardRect.right > docWidth) {
// Get either the next set that'll fit on the screen or the last|first one
let scrollToIndex = 0;
const len = this.mediaCards.length;
if (scrollToDirection === 'right') {
// Subtract 1 in (onScreen * 2 - 1) so we dont overflow the one slightly overflowing
scrollToIndex = toRight - onScreen > 0 ? toLeft + (onScreen * 2 - 1) : len - 1;
} else {
scrollToIndex = toLeft - onScreen > 0 ? toLeft - onScreen : 0;
// Scroll into view
this.mediaCards.get(scrollToIndex)?.nativeElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' });
Once the "Kitchen Sink" was built out it was a relatively trivial process to integrate all the other pages.
- Angular - The only framework worth building large apps with.
Reactive programing is/can be very clean. However, Rxjs is not an intuitive library. My goal was not to have any subscriptions in the entire app and to simply pipe events and let async
pipes do the rendering. This proved more difficult than I thought.
The search-field
component acts as a simple filter for whatever stream of data is on the page. My intent was that the search field would have a simple interface for filtering a stream of media data without a ton of repeated boilerplate code - and without any subscriptions.
I found a solution using only a single subscription in the search-field
itself. I had to subscribe to the valueChanges
property on the formControl
in order to pick up those changes and then emit a value change.
Relevant code:
<!-- home.component.html -->
<app-search-field [searchSubject]="searchString"></app-search-field>
// home.component.ts
public searchString = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
ngOnInit(): void {
this.all = this.dataService.all$;
this.filteredAll = this.dataService.filterMediaStream(this.searchString, this.all);
// search-field.component.ts
public search: FormControl = new FormControl();
private searchSub!: Subscription;
public searchSubject!: Subject<string>;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.searchSub =
).subscribe(change => {
ngOnDestroy(): void {
// data.service.ts
public filterMediaStream = (searchString: Observable<string>, mediaStream: Observable<IMedia[]>) => {
return combineLatest([searchString, mediaStream])
map(([search, allMedia]: [string, IMedia[]]) => {
if (!search) {
return allMedia;
return allMedia.filter(media => {
return new RegExp(search.toLocaleLowerCase()).test(media.title.toLocaleLowerCase())
I posted a request for feedback on Reddit (gasp! I know, I'm brave). I received a lot of great feedback, especially from @dmitryef who took the time to update things to be purely reactive. The changes were pretty drastic but mostly related to how I was instantiating variables, tracking changes, and updating.