MALIB is an open source program package especially for MADOCA1-PPP2. MALIB is fork of RTKLIB3.
MALIB support real-time positioning 'rtkrcv' and post-process positioning 'rnx2rtkp' for various receiver including L6E messages.
Extract or clone the git repository to an appropriate directory <install_dir>.
git clone
rtkrcv (real time processing)
Unzip test data
Linux :tar -zxvf <install_dir>/data/MALIB_OSS_data.tar.gz -C <install_dir>
Test sample data has these features
- Fixed point data
- Open-sky
- 2024/08/22 11:00:00 - 2024/08/22 12:00:00 (GPST)
Make rtkrcv
cd <install_dir>/app/consapp/rtkrcv/gcc/ make clean make make install cd ./../../../../
Execute rtkrcv (replay processing)
<install_dir>/bin/rtkrcv -o <install_dir>/bin/rtkrcv.conf
Then open rtkrcv ver.1.0.0 console:
** rtkrcv ver.1.0.0 console (h:help) ** rtkrcv> start rtk server start rtkrcv> solution 1 2024/08/22 11:12:04.0 (PPP ) N:36.06874286 E:140.12834611 H: 111.262 2024/08/22 11:12:05.0 (PPP ) N:36.06874284 E:140.12834611 H: 111.264 2024/08/22 11:12:06.0 (PPP ) N:36.06874283 E:140.12834611 H: 111.264 ... ... 2024/08/22 12:00:30.0 (FIX ) N:36.06874217 E:140.12834622 H: 112.520 ^C rtkrcv> shutdown rtk server shutdown ...
Plot data (e.g. RTKPLOT in RTKLIB)
output data path<install_dir>/data/out/rtkrcv_test.pos
test data reference point
Latitude : 36.068742145 Longitude : 140.128346910 Height : 112.5059
rnx2rtkp (post processing)
Unzip test data (You can skip this step if you already installed in rtkrcv quick start)
Linux :tar -zxvf <install_dir>/data/MALIB_OSS_data.tar.gz
Test sample data has these features
- Fixed point data
- Open-sky
- 2024/08/22 11:00:00 - 2024/08/22 12:00:00 (GPST)
Make rnx2rtkp
cd <install_dir>/app/consapp/rnx2rtkp/gcc/ make clean make make install cd ./../../../../
Execute rnx2rtkp (replay processing)
<install_dir>/bin/rnx2rtkp -k <install_dir>/bin/rnx2rtkp.conf <install_dir>/data/MALIB_OSS_data_obsnav_240822-1100.obs <install_dir>/data/MALIB_OSS_data_obsnav_240822-1100.nav <install_dir>/data/2024235L.209.l6 -o <install_dir>/data/out/rnx2rtkp_test.pos
Plot data (e.g. RTKPLOT in RTKLIB)
output data path is<install_dir>/data/out/rnx2rtkp_test.pos
test data point is
Latitude : 36.068742145 Longitude : 140.128346910 Height : 112.5059
- Based on RTKLIB 2.4.3 b34 modified version
- Real-time / Post-Process positioning
- Apply various GNSS satellites (GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO/QZSS)
- PPP and PPP-AR
- Apply various L6E data format (e.g. ubx/sbf/msj)
- Select frequency depends on the GNSS satellites
PPP-AR only works on the ionosphere configuration STEC estimation (pos1-ionoopt =est-stec
- Download antex file / MADOCA archive data (only for post-processing)
- Setup configuration
- CUI (rtkrcv/rnx2rtkp)
Download antex file
Download MADOCA-PPP archive data
GPS week can be checked on this HP. Click here
MALIB added these signal select and ignore chi-squared error option
pos2-siggpsIIR-M =0 # (0:L1C/A-L2P,1:L1C/A-L2C)
pos2-siggpsIIF =0 # (0:L1C/A-L2P,1:L1C/A-L2C,2:L1C/A-L5)
pos2-siggpsIIIA =0 # (0:L1C/A-L2P,1:L1C/A-L2C,2:L1C/A-L5)
pos2-sigqzs1_2 =1 # (0:L1C-L5,1:L1C/A-L2C)
pos2-siggal =1 # (0:E1C-E5a,1:E1C-E5b)
pos2-ign_chierr =on # (0:off,1:on)
If you want to use NTRIP
# str1 : Your GNSS Receiver data
# str2 : Correction data (e.g. RTK/DGNSS)
# str3 : Correction data (e.g. PPP)
# Input stream type (0:off,1:serial,2:file,3:tcpsvr,4:tcpcli,7:ntripcli,8:ftp,9:http)
inpstr1-type =ntripcli
inpstr2-type =off
inpstr3-type =ntripcli
# Input stream path
inpstr1-path =[user[:passwd]]@addr:port/mntpnt
inpstr2-path =
inpstr3-path =[user[:passwd]]@addr:port/mntpnt
# Input stream format (0:rtcm2,1:rtcm3,2:oem4,3:oem3,4:ubx,5:ss2,6:hemis,7:skytraq,8:sp3)
inpstr1-format =rtcm3
inpstr2-format =
inpstr3-format =rtcm3
if you want to use replay on rtkrcv, add ::T::x(time)::+(offset)
# e.g. skip replay data for 10s and offset +30 sec
inpstr1-path =datapath/dataname.rtcm3::T::x10::+30
when you use MADOCA Product as ephemeris
pos1-sateph =brdc+ssrapc
then, pos2-ign_chierr = on
rtkrcv [-s][-p port][-d dev][-o file][-w pwd][-r level][-t level][-sta sta]
Options and example command
-s start RTK server on program startup
-p port port number for telnet console
-m port port number for monitor stream
-d dev terminal device for console
-o file processing options file
-w pwd login password for remote console ("": no password)
-r level output solution status file (0:off,1:states,2:residuals)
-t level debug trace level (0:off,1-5:on)
-sta sta station name for receiver dcb
-v|-ver print version
-rst ds ts start day/time (ds=y/m/d ts=h:m:s) [raw/rtcm data start time]
cd ./app/consapp/rtkrcv/gcc/
make clean
** rtkrcv ver.2.4.3 b35 console (h:help) **
rtkrcv> help
rtkrcv (ver.2.4.3 b35)
start : start rtk server
stop : stop rtk server
restart : restart rtk sever
solution [cycle] : show solution
status [cycle] : show rtk status
satellite [-n] [cycle]: show satellite status
observ [-n] [cycle] : show observation data
navidata [cycle] : show navigation data
stream [cycle] : show stream status
ssr [cycle] : show ssr corrections
error : show error/warning messages
option [opt] : show option(s)
set opt [val] : set option
load [file] : load options from file
save [file] : save options to file
log [file|off] : start/stop log to file
help|? [path] : print help
exit|ctr-D : logout console (only for telnet)
shutdown : shutdown rtk server
!command [arg...] : execute command in shell
rnx2rtkp [option]... file file [...]
Options and example command
-? print help
-k file input options from configuration file [off]
-o file set output file [stdout]
-ts ds ts start day/time (ds=y/m/d ts=h:m:s) [obs start time]
-te de te end day/time (de=y/m/d te=h:m:s) [obs end time]
-ti tint time interval (sec) [all]
-p mode mode (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:moving-base,
5:fixed,6:ppp-kinematic,7:ppp-static) [2]
-m mask elevation mask angle (deg) [15]
-sys s[,s...] nav system(s) (s=G:GPS,R:GLO,E:GAL,J:QZS,C:BDS,I:IRN) [G|R]
-f freq number of frequencies for relative mode (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) [2]
-v thres validation threshold for integer ambiguity (0.0:no AR) [3.0]
-b backward solutions [off]
-c forward/backward combined solutions [off]
-i instantaneous integer ambiguity resolution [off]
-h fix and hold for integer ambiguity resolution [off]
-e output x/y/z-ecef position [latitude/longitude/height]
-a output e/n/u-baseline [latitude/longitude/height]
-n output NMEA-0183 GGA sentence [off]
-g output latitude/longitude in the form of ddd mm' [ddd.ddd]
-t output time in the form of yyyy/mm/dd []
-u output time in utc [gpst]
-d col number of decimals in time [3]
-s sep field separator [' ']
-r x y z reference (base) receiver ecef pos (m) [average of single pos]
rover receiver ecef pos (m) for fixed or ppp-fixed mode
-l lat lon hgt reference (base) receiver latitude/longitude/height (deg/m)
rover latitude/longitude/height for fixed or ppp-fixed mode
-ign_chierr ignore chi-square error mode [off]
-y level output soltion status (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) [0]
-x level debug trace level (0:off) [0]
-ver print version
cd ./app/consapp/rnx2rtkp/gcc/
make clean
Tomoji Takasu
- RTKLIB : Open source e program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS (global navigation satellite system).RTKLIB manual is here.
- MADOCA-LIB : Open source software for MADOCA-PPP (only post-processing)
tree structure of MALIB
├── LICENSE.txt
├── app
│ └── consapp
│ ├── rnx2rtkp
│ │ ├── gcc
│ │ │ └── makefile
│ │ ├── gcc_mkl
│ │ │ └── makefile
│ │ └── rnx2rtkp.c
│ └── rtkrcv
│ ├── gcc
│ │ └── makefile
│ ├── gcc_mkl
│ │ └── makefile
│ ├── rtkrcv.c
│ ├── vt.c
│ └── vt.h
├── bin
│ ├── rnx2rtkp.conf
│ └── rtkrcv.conf
├── data
│ └── MALIB_OSS_data.tar.gz
├── doc
│ ├── doc
│ │ ├── manual.docx
│ │ ├── relnote_2.4.1.htm
│ │ ├── relnotes_2.2.1.txt
│ │ ├── relnotes_2.2.2.txt
│ │ ├── relnotes_2.3.0.txt
│ │ └── relnotes_2.4.0.doc
│ ├── manual_2.4.2.pdf
│ ├── manual_MALIB1.0.0.pdf
│ └── relnote_2.4.2.htm
├── lib
│ └── mkl
│ ├── readme.txt
│ └── redist.txt
└── src
├── convgpx.c
├── convkml.c
├── convrnx.c
├── datum.c
├── download.c
├── ephemeris.c
├── geoid.c
├── gis.c
├── ionex.c
├── lambda.c
├── mdccssr.c
├── options.c
├── pntpos.c
├── postpos.c
├── ppp.c
├── ppp_ar.c
├── ppp_corr.c
├── preceph.c
├── rcv
│ ├── binex.c
│ ├── crescent.c
│ ├── javad.c
│ ├── novatel.c
│ ├── nvs.c
│ ├── rt17.c
│ ├── septentrio.c
│ ├── skytraq.c
│ ├── ss2.c
│ └── ublox.c
├── rcvraw.c
├── rinex.c
├── rtcm.c
├── rtcm2.c
├── rtcm3.c
├── rtcm3e.c
├── rtkcmn.c
├── rtklib.h
├── rtkpos.c
├── rtksvr.c
├── sbas.c
├── solution.c
├── stream.c
├── streamsvr.c
├── tides.c
└── tle.c
Date | version | feature |
2024/09/27 | 1.0.0 | first trail version MALIB |
MADOCA : Multi-GNSS Advanced Orbit and Clock Augmentation ↩
PPP : Precise Point Positioning ↩
RTKLIB : Open source program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite SYstem) URL: ↩