👋 Hi, I’m @J85FR
I'm located on west coast in France.
I've joined the community since I'm interested in:
- electronic devices
- can bus for home automation (see hapcan) and automotive (see wican)
- electronic cards design, microcontroller based
- software development (desktop applications for windows, embedded firmwares, android applications)
how I usually spend my time (I'm retired):
design electronic cards (using Eagle software)
design small systems (example: hive management using can bus weighing units, gsm data and Bluetooth communication)
develop firmwares (using freertos+lwip on atmel arm microcontroller)
develop applications in C++ (previously Delphi)
start an approach on android with android studio
skills: c++, assembler, sqlserver, mysql, birt, eagle, canbus, TCP/IP
I've been working on access control products (hardware, softwar) for years.
I usually make the maximum of repair operations on my vehicles, if possible, (they are becoming computer-like now, so it's not easy, and electronics knowledge is nrecessary)
I want to find answers to questions and share experiences and projects in this community.