In this repository, a new service for the development framework called JADE has been developed, making use of certain functionalities provided by a trusted platform module. This new service allows agents to migrate safely, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of the target platform.
To implement this new functionality, asymmetric keys have been used, as well as system PCR indexes.
The implementation of the secure migration service is in the following dirs:
- Deploys a system status verification Agent:
- Deploy a conventional Agent:
- Conveniently run TPM methods as well as other key usage related functions:
- Graphical interface developed for each of the deployed agents, in this case, the conventional platforms and the CA:
- Modification the Mobility Service:
In the case of the CA, all the information generated will be stored in a mongo cluster. Therefore, it is required to log in previously. The credentials to gain access are as follows:
java -cp TPM.jar:test.jar:mongo.jar jade.Boot -gui -host localhost -port 2511 -services jade.core.SecureCloud.SecureCloudTPMService -agents CA:vom.CAPlatform
- Context EK: 0x81010030
- Context AK: 0x8101003a
java -cp commons.jar:TPM.jar:test.jar jade.Boot -container-name P1 -gui -host localhost -port 1564 -mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol\\(http:/raspberrypi:36811\) -services jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilityService\;jade.core.migration.InterPlatformMobilityService\\;jade.core.SecureAgent.SecureAgentTPMService -agents A1:vom.CAAgent\;WORKERA:vom.AgentWorker
- Context EK: 0x81010020
- Context AK: 0x8101002a
java -cp commons.jar:TPM.jar:test.jar jade.Boot -container-name P2 -gui -host localhost -port 1364 -mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol\(http://raspberrypi:36711\) -services jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilityService\;jade.core.migration.InterPlatformMobilityService\\;jade.core.SecureAgent.SecureAgentTPMService -agents A2:vom.CAAgent\;WORKERB:vom.AgentWorker
- Context EK: 0x81010040
- Context AK: 0x8101004a
java -cp commons.jar:TPM.jar:test.jar jade.Boot -container-name P3 -gui -host localhost -port 1864 -mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol\(http://raspberrypi:36911\) -services jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilityService\;jade.core.migration.InterPlatformMobilityService\;jade.core.SecureAgent.SecureAgentTPMService -agents A3:vom.CAAgent\;WORKERC:vom.AgentWorker
java -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 -cp TPM.jar:test.jar:mongo.jar jade.Boot -gui -host localhost -port 2511 -services jade.core.SecureCloud.SecureCloudTPMService -agents CA:vom.CAPlatform
java -cp commons.jar:TPM.jar:test.jar jade.Boot -container-name P1 -gui -host localhost -port 1564 -mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol\(http:\/\/raspberrypi:36911\) -services jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilityService\;jade.core.migration.InterPlatformMobilityService\;jade.core.SecureAgent.SecureAgentTPMService -agents A1:vom.CAAgent\;WORKERA:vom.AgentWorker
AID PLATFORM: [email protected]:1364/JADE
ADDRESS PLATFORM: http://raspberrypi:36711/acc
SERVICE: ImageProcessing
AID PLATFORM: [email protected]:1864/JADE
ADDRESS PLATFORM: http://raspberrypi:36911/acc
SERVICE: ImageProcessing
- JRE > 4.0
- Infineon OPTIGATM TPM SLI 9670 TPM2.0
© 2020 Iván García Aguilar All Rights Reserved.