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Programming concepts in scientific computing (MATH-458)

Final Project: Numerical methods for eigenvalues computation

We implement five methods for eigenvalues computation:

  • Power Method
  • Inverse Power Method
  • Power Method with shift
  • Inverse Power Method with shift
  • QR Method

and a reader to read matrices, vectors and scalars from file.

Compilation and documentation

To compile the program, perform the following steps:

  1. Open your terminal, and clone the repository on your machine using the command
git clone
  1. In order to compile the tests you should first install googletest. From your terminal run the command
cd PCSC_Project
git submodule update --init 
  1. Then you should clone the eigen library. From your terminal run the command
git clone
  1. To build, from your terminal run the command
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  1. One central executable should be present in the build folder with name main.
  2. Two test executable should be present in the build folder with names test_methods and test_reader. The first one tests the methods for eigevalues computation, the second one tests the FileReader class.
  3. To generate the documentation, move in the doc folder and use Doxygen to generate the html webpage. First install Doxygen following the instructions here, then from your terminal run the command:
cd ../doc
doxygen Doxyfile
  1. To open the main page of the documentation, open the file html/index.htmlwith your browser. If you have Firefox installed run the command:
firefox html/index.html

Computation of eigenvalues

To compute the eigenvalues of a matrix, use the executable main. Three arguments must be provided, following this order:

  • the numerical method the user wants to apply. It can be power for the Power Method, invpower for the Inverse Power Method, shiftpower for the Power Method with shift, shiftinvpower for the Inverse Power Method with shift or qr for the QR Method.
  • the path to the file in which the parameters of the method are provided. See the documentation for the format requirements of the input. Two examples are already provided in input_files/real_input.txt and input_files/complex_input.txt.
  • the type of the input, real for real matrices and complex for complex matrices.

The output of the eigenvalues computation will be written on standard output, preceded by the matrix for which the computation is executed and the name of the method applied.

You can test our methods on two predefined inputs. For the real case, the following parameters are provided in input_files/real_input.txt

   [  1  28  48 -52 -8 ]
   [  2 -17 -42  24  2 ]
A =[  0  12  25 -12  0 ]
   [  2   0  -4  11  2 ]
   [ -4  -4  12  16  5 ]
x0 = [ 1 1 1 1 1 ]^T

shift = 4.5

tol = 1e-10

maxit = 1000   

The matrix A has eigenvalues 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Therefore, the numerical methods should approximate the following eigenvalues:

  • QR Method: all the eigenvalues
  • Power Method: 9
  • Inverse Power Method: 1
  • Power Method with shift: 9 (the eigenvalue farthest from 4.5)
  • Inverse Power Method with shift: 5 (the eigenvalue closest to 4.5)

This can be verified for the power method running from the build folder the command:

./main "power" "../input_files/real_input.txt" "real"

Similarly, the output of the other numerical methods can be checked.

For the complex case, the following parameters are provided in input_files/complex_input.txt

    [( -6, -1) ( 4, -4) (-1, -11) ( 8,  -8) (0, 0)]
    [(-10, -4) ( 5, -6) (-8, -18) ( 4, -10) (0, 0)]
A = [(  6,  2) (-4,  4) ( 1,  12) (-8,   8) (0, 0)]
    [(  1, -2) ( 6, -3) (15, -10) (15,  -7) (0, 0)]
    [(  8,  3) (-6,  3) (-6,  11) (-6,   9) (9, 2)]
x0 = [ 1 1 1 1 1 ]^T

shift = (4, 1)

tol = 1e-10

maxit = 1000   

where (a, b) represents the complex number a+ib. The matrix A has eigenvalues (0, 1), (3, -1), (5, 0), (7, -2), (9, 2). Therefore, the numerical methods should approximate the following eigenvalues:

  • Power Method: (9, 2)
  • Inverse Power Method: (0, 1)
  • Power Method with shift: (9, 2) (the eigenvalue farthest from (4, 1))
  • Inverse Power Method with shift: (5, 0) (the eigenvalue closest to (4, 1))

The QR method has not been implemented for the complex case.

This can be verified for the Power Method running from the build folder the command:

./main "power" "../input_files/complex_input.txt" "complex"

Similarly, the output of the other numerical methods can be checked.

To execute the tests for our implementation of the numerical methods and the reader, from the build folder run the commands:



Our report can be found in PDF format in the folder report.


Ivan Bioli


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