In this project i will publish my own website about me, the project's name is a wink from the command "whoami" of linux
Well I start this project to show to people who is Ismael Matiz, offer to the companies and to other developers my skills also practice some knowledge about Front-end a Back-end development, if you want to gain a place in this industry and if you're studying by yourself you should create a portfolio, well every developer should create a portfolio, but especially the autodidact people
I've created an instance in AWS, installed Apache2, set up the security group and firewall permissions, and then voilà I got a link to get access to my site on every device around the globe, special thanks to
they give the fundamentals about how to publish a website in the internet like a Hacker😎, and then using git and GitHub i connected the website that I have on my local with the virtual instance in AWS, you can see my website here