Resizes and moves windows like in dwm and KDE
Standard modkey is meta(windows key)
Resizes the window under the mouse from the closest corner to the mouse.
Modkey + Right click.
Move the window under the mouse.
Modkey + Left click.
Move fullscreen windows between screens.
Drag a window to another screen.
Note: Also works on maximized and fullscreened windows.
Warning: May crash games if running in fullscreen, works mostly fine in windowed fullscreen.
Maximize windows.
While moving a window double click left mouse button.
Minimize windows.
Modkey + Middle mouse button.
Changes the opacity of the window under the mouse.
Modkey + scroll up/down.
To disable a feature comment out the hotkey at the top of the file.
Example disabling opacity.
hotif "not filters()"
hotkey modKey " & WheelUp", increaseOpacity
hotkey modKey " & WheelDown", decreaseOpacity
hotkey modKey " & LButton", move
hotkey modkey " & RButton", resize
hotkey modkey " & MButton", minimize
hotif "not filters()"
; hotkey modKey " & WheelUp", increaseOpacity
; hotkey modKey " & WheelDown", decreaseOpacity
hotkey modKey " & LButton", move
hotkey modkey " & RButton", resize
hotkey modkey " & MButton", minimize
Keyname refrence
Edit the top of the script
Example using alt:
; Options
modKey := "alt"
Autohotkey v2
Only tested on Windows 10 & 11