Project to find origins of parasitism in a pylogenetic tree of live.
Install python 3 and R: Install needed packages, see:
- Clone Project:
git clone
- Get Tree and Interaction data:
sh code/
- Build metadata files and run a Sankoff algorithm via castor package (for Eukaryota):
sh code/
- Lydia Buntrock - **
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- See also:
Future work:
- Add symbiontic or other attributes to the nodes.
- Parsimony analysis of coevolving species associations + recontruction the history of host-parasite associations. Recontruction the history of host-parasite associations.
- enrichment tests. Analyse der Zusammensetzung von Species. Tree über funktionen...
- add Branchlenght: time / DNA / other distances -> DB mit Divergenzzeiten