Releases: InverseTampere/TreeQSM
Version 2.4.1
Minor update that includes many small updates: major update of the filtering code, code for selecting automatically PatchDiam parameter values for the optimisation process ("define_input"), sensitivity estimates of the results, a smoother and more 3D look for the cylinder model plots, small bug fixes and code streamlining. The produced QSMs are practically same as in v. 2.4.0 if the same inputs are given. See the documentation in the Manual folder for more details of the changes.
Version 2.4.0
First major update of TreeQSM since the initial release. Cylinder fitting process and the taper correction has changed. The fitting is adaptive and no more “lcyl” and “FilRad” parameters. Treedata has many new fields: Branch and cylinder distributions; surface areas; crown dimensions. More robust triangulation of stem. Branch, cylinder and triangulation structures have new fields. More optimisation metrics. More plots of the results and more plotting functions. See the documentation in the Manual folder for more details of the changes.
Version 2.3.2
Mainly some small bug fixes to handle trees without branches.
- “cylinders”: Increased the minimum number "n" of estimated cylinders for initialization of vectors at the beginning of the code.
- “point_model_distance”: Corrected the computation of the output at the end of the so that trees without branches are computed correctly.
- “estimate_precision”: Added the "name" of the point cloud from the to the output TreeData as a field. Also, now displays the name together with the tree number.
- “select_optimum”:
- Added the "name" of the point cloud from the to the output TreeData as a field. Also, now displays the name together with the tree number.
- TreeData contains now correctly fields ("location", "StemTaper", "VolumeBranchOrder", etc) from the Optimal QSMs.
- “tree_data”:
- Bug fix: Added a statement "C < nc" for a while command that makes sure that the index "C" does not exceed the number of stem cylinders, when determining the index of cylinders up to first branch.
- Bug fix: Changed "for i = 1:BO" to "for i = 1:max(1,BO)" where computing branch order data.
- Added the plotting of the triangulation model
- “initial_boundary_curve”: Added "return" if the "Curve" is empty after it is first defined.
- “curve_based_triangulation”: Removed the plotting of the triangulation model at the end of the code.
Version 2.3.1
- Fixed bugs, that could cause errors in some special cases, in “tree_sets”, “correct_segments”, “cylinders” and “estimate_precision”.
- Fixed a bug: wrong computation of cylinder starting points in “least_squares_cylinder”
- Changed what and how is displayed during the run of “treeqsm”
- Added many more optimisation metrics to “select_optimum”
- Changes in the “make_models” and “make_models_parallel”:
- Added try-catch structure where "treeqsm" is called, so that if there is an error during the reconstruction process of one tree or one model, then the larger process is not stopped.
- Changed the way the data is loaded. Previously all the data was loaded into workspace, now only one point cloud is in the workspace.
- Corrected a bug where an incomplete QSM-structure was saved as a complete QSM-structure
Initial release
v2.30 Style changes in README