CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. Its used in just about every iOS project here at Intrepid.
Here is how to set it up.
- Open Terminal
- Enter command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
- Enter your password
Wait for this to finish, don't touch your terminal. It might take a couple minutes
- Run command
pod setup
- Download Atom here
- Install atom commandline tools by opening Atom and selecting
Atom > Install Shell Commands
Continuing forward, all commandline references will use the
keyword. Replace this with whatever you have designated as your text editor.
- Create your Xcode Project
- Make sure that Create
git repository
is selected > If you forgot to select this, just continue to the Existing Project section
If your project is already setup with a git repository, skip this step.
- Open terminal
- Enter command
cd ~/path/to/your/project
- Enter command
git init
- Open terminal
- Enter command
cd ~/path/to/your/project
(if necessary) - Enter command
atom .gitignore
- Add
to your gitignore - If your
is empty, add the following:
# Xcode
# CocoaPods
# We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However
# you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at:
- Save your
file cmd + s
- Open terminal
- Enter command
pod init
- Uncomment the platform line to specify a platform (ex.
platform :ios, '8.0'
You add pods to your project using the following syntax:
pod '<#pod name#>', '<#pod version#>'
A simple example would look like this:
pod 'AFNetworking', '1.0'
Or, to get the latest version, you can omit the version from the declaration:
pod 'AFNetworking'
There are more complex arguments regarding version available here
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'ProjectName' do
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
pod 'AFNetworking'
If you already have a workspace created, you'll need to specify this in your podfile by adding:
workspace 'MyWorkspace'
Now we're going to integrate our libraries into the Xcode project.
- Close Xcode Project
- Open Terminal
- Enter command
cd ~/path/to/your/project
- Enter command
pod install
Wait for this to finish, depending on the requirements of the
, particularly with new projects, this may take a minute or two. Just leave it.
When cocoapods is done installing libraries, you will get a terminal readout that says:
[!] From now on use
<#Your Project#>.xcworkspace
Follow this instruction and henceforth, use the workspace instead of your project.
In your project, if you want to use a library you can do so by adding
import SomeCocoaPod
More on the Podfile:
Occasionally, imported libraries will have errors or warnings generated in Xcode, these can be silenced if desired by adding the following to the Podfile
To prevent warnings on a library specific basis, you can use the following syntax:
pod 'SomePodWithWarnings', :inhibit_warnings => true
- These notes are just slightly modified from Logan's
- The dank grape gif is a masterpiece that belongs to FoxADHD
Make sure you know how to use cocoapods! To test this knowledge, add a pod to this project and leverage what it has to offer.
- Clone repository (or continue working off your previously cloned repo).
- Create a new branch off master and name the branch according to the form {name}/cocoapods-exercise (e.g. epeterson/cocoapods-exercise).
- Add this pod to your project:
- Add a marquee'd label to the primary View Controller such that the following is true
- The marquee scroll should wrap around to its original position after scrolling through the text (traveling left)
- The marquee's animation curve is EASE IN / EASE OUT
- The marquee scrolls at 30 pixels per second
- The marquee will only scroll after being tapped by the user
- The marquee's text is as follows: "According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible."
- There is a 10 pixel buffer between the last character in the label and the first one
- Open up a Pull Request to be reviewed by your instructor, But Do Not Merge It Into This Repo