Update cardano-node after addition of the new BulkSync implementation #5942
IOG Hydra / ci/hydra-build:x86_64-darwin.native.checks/cardano-testnet/cardano-testnet-golden
Sep 10, 2024 in 3s
Build failed
1 failed steps
Failed Steps
Step 1
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/am1l4463dc64hz22cmhr5s819hmcgly5-source-root-cardano-testnet-test-cardano-testnet-golden-root
source root is source-root-cardano-testnet-test-cardano-testnet-golden-root
patching sources
patching script interpreter paths in /private/tmp/nix-build-cardano-testnet-test-cardano-testnet-golden-9.0.0-check.drv-0/tmp.x3jcU6YQrD/bin
Golden tests
golden_DefaultConfig: FAIL (0.01s)
✗ golden_DefaultConfig failed at test/cardano-testnet-golden/Cardano/Testnet/Test/Golden/Config.hs:30:18
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/cardano-testnet-golden/Cardano/Testnet/Test/Golden/Config.hs ━━━
26 ┃ goldenDefaultConfigYaml :: Property
27 ┃ goldenDefaultConfigYaml = propertyOnce $ do
28 ┃ base <- H.getProjectBase
29 ┃ let allEras = map (createConfigStringAndPath base) [minBound..maxBound]
30 ┃ mapM_ (uncurry diffVsGoldenFile) allEras
┃ │ Reading file: /nix/store/6pqzzxqjl3vlnpm5d1bygl9jczhaxkpb-incl/cardano-testnet/test/cardano-testnet-golden/files/golden/byron_node_default_config.json
┃ │ Golden test failed against the golden file.
┃ │ To recreate golden file, run with RECREATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1.
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ 28d27
┃ │ < "TraceChainSyncJumping": false,
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 9413072350479078808 6858986844611486321) "1:" golden_DefaultConfig
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /golden_DefaultConfig/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 9413072350479078808 6858986844611486321'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/golden_DefaultConfig/' to rerun this test only.
golden_HelpAll: OK (0.05s)
✓ golden_HelpAll passed 1 test.
golden_HelpCmds: OK (0.32s)
✓ golden_HelpCmds passed 1 test.
1 out of 3 tests failed (0.32s)