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newhoggy committed Apr 12, 2023
1 parent d231e61 commit fc1b58c
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions cardano-testnet/test/Test/Cli/Babbage/LeadershipSchedule.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}

{- HLINT ignore "Redundant id" -}
{- HLINT ignore "Redundant return" -}
{- HLINT ignore "Use head" -}
{- HLINT ignore "Use let" -}

module Test.Cli.Babbage.LeadershipSchedule
( hprop_leadershipSchedule
) where

import Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Output (QueryTipLocalStateOutput (..))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
import GHC.Stack (callStack)
import Hedgehog (Property)
import Prelude
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as DTC
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Stock.IO.Network.Sprocket as IO
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Base as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Test.File as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Process as H
import qualified System.Directory as IO
import qualified System.Info as SYS
import qualified Testnet.Util.Base as H

import Cardano.Testnet
import Testnet.Util.Assert
import Testnet.Util.Process
import Testnet.Util.Runtime

hprop_leadershipSchedule :: Property
hprop_leadershipSchedule = H.integrationRetryWorkspace 2 "babbage-leadership-schedule" $ \tempAbsBasePath' -> do
H.note_ SYS.os
base <- H.note =<< H.noteIO . IO.canonicalizePath =<< H.getProjectBase
configurationTemplate <- H.noteShow $ base </> "configuration/defaults/byron-mainnet/configuration.yaml"
conf@Conf { tempBaseAbsPath, tempAbsPath } <- H.noteShowM $
mkConf (ProjectBase base) (YamlFilePath configurationTemplate) tempAbsBasePath' Nothing

work <- H.note $ tempAbsPath </> "work"
H.createDirectoryIfMissing work

testnetOptions = BabbageOnlyTestnetOptions $ babbageDefaultTestnetOptions
{ babbageNodeLoggingFormat = NodeLoggingFormatAsJson
{ testnetMagic
, poolNodes
-- , wallets
-- , delegators
} <- testnet testnetOptions conf

poolNode1 <- H.headM poolNodes

env <- H.evalIO getEnvironment

poolSprocket1 <- H.noteShow $ nodeSprocket $ poolRuntime poolNode1

execConfig <- H.noteShow H.ExecConfig
{ H.execConfigEnv = Last $ Just $
[ ("CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH", IO.sprocketArgumentName poolSprocket1)
-- The environment must be passed onto child process on Windows in order to
-- successfully start that process.
<> env
, H.execConfigCwd = Last $ Just tempBaseAbsPath

tipDeadline <- H.noteShowM $ DTC.addUTCTime 210 <$> H.noteShowIO DTC.getCurrentTime

H.byDeadlineM 10 tipDeadline "Wait for two epochs" $ do
void $ execCli' execConfig
[ "query", "tip"
, "--testnet-magic", show @Int testnetMagic
, "--out-file", work </> "current-tip.json"

tipJson <- H.leftFailM . H.readJsonFile $ work </> "current-tip.json"
tip <- H.noteShowM $ H.jsonErrorFail $ J.fromJSON @QueryTipLocalStateOutput tipJson

currEpoch <- case mEpoch tip of
Nothing -> H.failMessage callStack "cardano-cli query tip returned Nothing for EpochNo"
Just currEpoch -> return currEpoch

H.note_ $ "Current Epoch: " <> show currEpoch
H.assert $ currEpoch > 2

stakePoolId <- filter ( /= '\n') <$> execCli
[ "stake-pool", "id"
, "--cold-verification-key-file", poolNodeKeysColdVkey $ poolKeys poolNode1

let poolVrfSkey = poolNodeKeysVrfSkey $ poolKeys poolNode1

id do
scheduleFile <- H.noteTempFile tempAbsPath "schedule.log"

leadershipScheduleDeadline <- H.noteShowM $ DTC.addUTCTime 180 <$> H.noteShowIO DTC.getCurrentTime

H.byDeadlineM 5 leadershipScheduleDeadline "Failed to query for leadership schedule" $ do
void $ execCli' execConfig
[ "query", "leadership-schedule"
, "--testnet-magic", show @Int testnetMagic
, "--genesis", shelleyGenesisFile tr
, "--stake-pool-id", stakePoolId
, "--vrf-signing-key-file", poolVrfSkey
, "--out-file", scheduleFile
, "--current"

scheduleJson <- H.leftFailM $ H.readJsonFile scheduleFile

expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers <- H.noteShowM $ fmap (fmap slotNumber) $ H.leftFail $ J.parseEither (J.parseJSON @[LeadershipSlot]) scheduleJson

maxSlotExpected <- H.noteShow $ maximum expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers

H.assert $ not (L.null expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers)

leadershipDeadline <- H.noteShowM $ DTC.addUTCTime 90 <$> H.noteShowIO DTC.getCurrentTime

-- We need enough time to pass such that the expected leadership slots generated by the
-- leadership-schedule command have actually occurred.
leaderSlots <- H.byDeadlineM 10 leadershipDeadline "Wait for chain to surpass all expected leadership slots" $ do
someLeaderSlots <- getRelevantLeaderSlots (poolNodeStdout poolNode1) (minimum expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers)
if L.null someLeaderSlots
then H.failure
else do
maxActualSlot <- H.noteShow $ maximum someLeaderSlots
H.assert $ maxActualSlot >= maxSlotExpected
pure someLeaderSlots

H.noteShow_ expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers
H.noteShow_ leaderSlots

-- As there are no BFT nodes, the next leadership schedule should match slots assigned exactly
H.assert $ L.null (expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers \\ leaderSlots)

id do
scheduleFile <- H.noteTempFile tempAbsPath "schedule.log"

leadershipScheduleDeadline <- H.noteShowM $ DTC.addUTCTime 180 <$> H.noteShowIO DTC.getCurrentTime

H.byDeadlineM 5 leadershipScheduleDeadline "Failed to query for leadership schedule" $ do
void $ execCli' execConfig
[ "query", "leadership-schedule"
, "--testnet-magic", show @Int testnetMagic
, "--genesis", shelleyGenesisFile tr
, "--stake-pool-id", stakePoolId
, "--vrf-signing-key-file", poolVrfSkey
, "--out-file", scheduleFile
, "--next"

scheduleJson <- H.leftFailM $ H.readJsonFile scheduleFile

expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers <- H.noteShowM $ fmap (fmap slotNumber) $ H.leftFail $ J.parseEither (J.parseJSON @[LeadershipSlot]) scheduleJson
maxSlotExpected <- H.noteShow $ maximum expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers

H.assert $ not (L.null expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers)

leadershipDeadline <- H.noteShowM $ DTC.addUTCTime 90 <$> H.noteShowIO DTC.getCurrentTime

-- We need enough time to pass such that the expected leadership slots generated by the
-- leadership-schedule command have actually occurred.
leaderSlots <- H.byDeadlineM 10 leadershipDeadline "Wait for chain to surpass all expected leadership slots" $ do
someLeaderSlots <- getRelevantLeaderSlots (poolNodeStdout poolNode1) (minimum expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers)
if L.null someLeaderSlots
then H.failure
else do
maxActualSlot <- H.noteShow $ maximum someLeaderSlots
H.assert $ maxActualSlot >= maxSlotExpected
pure someLeaderSlots

H.noteShow_ expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers
H.noteShow_ leaderSlots

-- As there are no BFT nodes, the next leadership schedule should match slots assigned exactly
H.assert $ L.null (expectedLeadershipSlotNumbers \\ leaderSlots)

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