Detect activities for the wenet users
This command-line interface (CLI) predicts Wenet activities for users. You can set various parameters like the maximum number of users to process, enable looping, specify the number of hours between loops, and choose the environment to use.
To use the Wenet activities predictor CLI, run the following command with the desired options:
python [--nbmax NBMAX] [--do_loop] [--delta_hours DELTA_HOURS] [--env ENV]
--nbmax NBMAX (optional): Set the maximum number of users to process. If not provided, all users will be processed.
--do_loop (optional): Enable looping. If enabled, the script will loop forever.
--delta_hours DELTA_HOURS (optional): Set the number of hours before each loop (if loop is enabled). Default is 12 hours.
--env ENV (optional): Choose the environment to use. Options are "dev", "beta", or "prod". Default is "dev".
Process all users without looping:
python --env prod
Process the last 10 users with looping enabled and a 6-hour loop interval:
python --nbmax 10 --do_loop --delta_hours 6 --env prod